Making it work

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It's been a month since mine and Lando's fight after the British GP and we have been making an effort with each other. It's been slightly awkward at times but we are making it work. We are currently getting ready for our flight to Belgium for technically Lando's 2nd home GP as his mum is Belgian. It's another exciting weekend and the team as always is hoping to do well.

I'm stood next to my car waiting for Lando to appear from the house so we can drive to Farnborough that's only about 15 miles away to catch our flight to Spa! I'm on my phone when I hear his feet on the gravel "you look beautiful today" he tells me once he is close "thanks, didn't want to look awful this weekend" he grins at me "you never look awful" and kisses me "who's driving?" I keep hold of my keys and climb in the drivers side "you are going to be doing enough driving this weekend" he laughs "I mean it is my job!" I roll my eyes "you definitely have the coolest job" he smiles "and the coolest girlfriend on the grid" he chuckles "well perhaps not cool" I act offended "never in my life have I been cool Norris and you know that"

Once we arrive and settle at the hotel I let George know we made it okay, he has been worrying about me since he found me during the fight. I think George is my closest friend other than Lando. I start unpacking my bag into the wardrobe whilst Lando is with Jon. I stretch out on the bed and end up having a nap. I'm woken by Lando returning "oh sorry! I didn't mean to wake you" he says quietly once he spots my half awake state. "It's okay I didn't mean to fall asleep" he smiles "I know you haven't been sleeping well" he gives me a concerned look "I know, I keep having nightmares" he pulls me into a hug "want to talk about it?" I shake my head "it will upset you" he furrows his brows "are they about me?" I nod slowly "you are shouting at me about how awful I am" he freezes "I can't explain how sorry I am about how I spoke to you" I squeeze him "I know, I suppose it's just stuck with me" he nods "I will always be sorry" I shake my head "we both need to move on from it" I really don't want one fight to dictate our whole relationship now "we can't be walking around on eggshells with each other" he smiles at me "we really can't, I know the last few weeks have been awkward. I don't want that, I want us to be happy and excited to be with each other again" I smile at him "that's all I want!" He grins at me "then that's what's going to happen"

I woke up very early being unable to sleep overly well, still having the nightmares. I see that Lando is awake for his training session with Jon "Morning Mols" he smiles giving me a kiss "morning, you off training?" He nods "you can join us if you fancy it?" I surprisingly do "sure, let me quickly get dressed" I jump up pulling on some running leggings and a sports bra "ready" Lando's eyes rake over my body "not quite" he hands me one of his T-shirts "pop this on, don't need to be getting all distracted" I roll my eyes "I think I will be just fine" I say leaving the T-shirt on the bed "okay then let's go find Jon"

Once we return from a quite gruelling training session we get ready for media day. My day of the week with Lando and I think it might be my favourite "come on Lands, time to head to the paddock" he pops his head out of the bathroom and I can tell he isn't dressed "I know we still have an hour, because you always make us early! I can't get the image of you out of my head from this morning so I would like it if you would join me now" he states looking at me "Lands, I hate being late" I say already removing my clothes.

We finally head out with a few minutes to spare but after the time we had together we are both in a better mood. We walk down to the paddock hand in hand for the first time in a couple of weeks. I know we have come across as distant but I needed to sort my head out. We seem to be figuring us back out again. We wander into the paddock and I can see George having an interview with Sky Sports, Lando sneaks up behind and flicks George's hat off  "Hang on, Mols! Lando!" He shouts and we wander over  "want to join?" Asks Nat Pinkman, Lando looks at me "well she means you, go ahead!" She shakes her head "I mean both of you! It would be nice to speak to the girl who managed to get Lando Norris" I feel fear brew in my stomach.

Best friends to PR - lando Norris حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن