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I'm still receiving a lot of negative media attention and it's not helping my position here at Ferrari. It's lucky that it's the last race weekend as I'm planning on handing in my notice today. I roll out of bed and spot Charles leaving the bathroom "Good morning Mon Amour" he says coming over and kissing my forehead "morning Charles, excited for today?" He laughs "I'm excited to have Christmas with you and your mum if that counts?" I find myself smiling "don't forget all of Lando's family" we decided that it we would spend this Christmas together at my mums, Pascale and Arthur are joining us but Lorenzo had other plans. It's was Charles idea as it's going to be the first one without my dad.

We both get ready and wander hand in hand to the paddock. Now the news is out we have decided to make sure we show a united front about it. I haven't told Charles about my plan for today as im aware he will not be happy. We walk into the garage and I spot Mattia stood waiting "there you both are, a word in my office?" He asks and I wonder if he knows I'm leaving? We follow him and I feel nervous, my hands start shaking and Charles gives the one he is holding a squeeze. We take a seat in front of his desk "I'm not going to beat around the bush here, you both know what is being said in the media?" I nod while Charles keeps his neutral expression "well we can't allow for the Ferrari name to be tarnished in this way. It doesn't look good on us" Charles face turns into a scowl "what doesn't? That your driver is finally happy again?" He argues and Mattia shakes his head "no that his PO is moving her way around the paddock" I freeze in my seat it's one thing hearing these words in the media it's another from my boss. I clear my throat "I was actually going to speak with you today" I start as Charles turns and raises an eyebrow at me "I want to hand my notice in, effective from today till the last day of the young driver test" Charles eyes widen but I focus on Mattia "I know I've drawn a lot of unwanted attention and I'm aware that I cannot continue in my current role." He nods his head "thank you but that won't be enough" I'm confused "you would still attend race weekends as Charles' partner and that will still draw attention. We have made the decision that for Charles to keep his seat you must end your relationship" I hear Charles chair hit the floor before I notice him stand up "this is ridiculous. I'm allowed to love who I want and this is Molly returning to me after my own stupid actions" he takes a deep breath "I will not be bossed around outside of my role within this team." Mattia shakes his head "you are our number one driver and you need to be setting an example" Charles walks towards the door shaking his head "she makes me happy, I perform at my best with her. You can't take this away from me for what a few weeks of bad publicity none of which is even true!" He shouts "enough Charles, this is the offer and you need to make a decision" Charles storms out of the office and I stand to go after him "wait Molly, you are working with Carlos for the remainder of this weekend. I've had is schedule emailed over but I'm sure he won't be too unfamiliar" I freeze "you are being completely serious aren't you?" He nods "it's not just my decision" I shake my head and leave the room.

I walk into the garage holding back my tears and spot Carlos waiting for me "I heard I'm working with you now" he grins and I burst into tears. He pulls me in for a hug "what's the matter?" Once I quickly explain the situation he looks at me with sympathy. "I'm sorry, let's get through race day and I'm sure we can figure something out for you" he smiles and we get to work at the pre race interviews.

I haven't been able to speak to Charles since the meeting but he keeps blowing me kisses across the garage. My heart is breaking but I'm not going to allow him to lose his seat. He deserves his position in the team and he has a long career ahead of him. I suddenly feel really sick and make a beeline for the bathrooms. I collapse at the toilet a throw up the few items I've eaten today. This has been going on for a couple of weeks now. I need to see the doctor once I'm home. I sort myself out and head back to the garage "Ciao Bella, are you okay?" I see Carlos' head engineer Francesco "Ciao Franny, I'm okay, haven't been feeling quite right for a few weeks now" he looks concerned "make sure you see your doctor" I nod before settling myself in for the race.

Max Verstappen led from pole to flag to seal only his second victory of the season in a textbook drive for Red Bull. It was overall a boring race, not much happened but MCLAREN SEALED P3 in the constructors championship and I couldn't be more proud! Ferrari was nowhere today, they messed up the strategy and Charles couldn't seem to focus on his race. It was painful to watch. As the drivers make their way to parc ferme I run to find Lando in the crowd. He spots me first and runs over giving me a huge hug "I'm so proud of you my papaya boy!" I say to him whilst he clings onto me "we did it Mols!" I grin at him as he pulls away "you really did and you deserve it!" He smiles "see you later?" He asks as he heads towards the garage.

Once I return to Ferrari the mood is somber, it was a tricky season but we made it and things are looking up for next year with the rule changes. It's a shame I won't be here to see it. I take Carlos to his post race interviews and he explains the difficulty with the car this weekend and how he is looking forward to next season. The media pick up on the fact I'm not working with Charles and I see the headlines now about how there is trouble in paradise. It's ridiculous how venomous the media are it's not helpful for healthy to be put under this much pressure.

Once I'm back in the garage I grab my bag and go to head to the hotel. Mattia stops me "a word?" I nod and he pulls me to the side "you know Charles has a long career ahead of him, don't let him throw it away for you" I feel my throat close up "believe it or not I love him with everything that I have, yes we have made some mistakes along the way but we make each other better but you best believe I will always put him first so no I won't let him throw his career away." Mattia nods "good luck in the future Miss Lanes" I walk away shaking my head angrily.

I arrive back at the hotel before Charles due to his drivers debrief. I start packing up my bag as we have an early flight tomorrow. I'm just in the bathroom when I spot the packet of tampons I bought with me as I was due on in Bahrain. My heart sinks, I couldn't be pregnant could I? I try to work out the math in my head and I realise I'm 3 weeks late and I'm always on time. Then it hits me, I've been sick almost everyday with week but it passes. Suddenly I'm shaking, this will ruin everything, Charles won't leave me if I'm pregnant. He will choose this over his team. I hear the door open "Mols?" I pull myself together "hey baby!" I say watching him walk into the room "I've missed you" he says kissing my forehead.

I take a deep breath "you have to choose the team you know that right?" He looks at me "no, this job isn't forever but me and you will be" I sigh heavily "but I will be waiting for you, let's hope once I'm not longer working in the paddock perhaps the media attention will blow over?" He frowns "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were quitting" I feel the guilt sink in "I knew you wouldn't let me" he frowns "I will support you whatever! You are my girl and I am always going to support your decisions!" I know we are meant to be but I can't let him walk away from his dream "we can work something out Charles but for now we can't be together but I vote we tell the media that it's Ferrari that have made the decision" he frowns at me "I'm not loosing you again" I smile at him "you won't, just because we can't be together now doesn't mean we won't be" he starts crying "I fought so hard for this, for you, for us and I'm not allowing myself to loose you again" I hug him tightly "you won't, I promise you won't"

We spend the evening chatting and trying to make some sort of plan moving forwards. But we currently can't think of a way to be together without Ferrari finding out. I know we just need to be patient but I'm aware I might be pregnant and that would change everything. With this thought I message Charlotte and ask her to meet me in the lobby "I just need to go see Charlotte, congratulate her on P3 today!" He smiles "of course, be back soon" he kisses me "I love you" I smile "I love you most" as I grab my red Ferrari jacket and head down.

Once I meet Charlotte she pulls me into a hug "are you okay? Carlos told Lando what was going on" I shake my head "not really but I have a bigger issue, can you come to the medics with me" she looks panicked "I'm okay I just need to check something" she gives me a confused glare but grabs my arm and walks me to the medical centre. As we arrive I feel my heart racing. The show us to a room and a few moments later a nurse walks in "Good evening, how can I help?" I take a deep breath "I think I might be pregnant" she nods "right, when was your last period?" I think "about 7 weeks ago" I work out and she nods "okay and when did you last have sexual intercourse" I blush heavily "last night" I mutter "okay, let's get you to have a test" she pulls a pregnancy test out of a drawer and passes it to me and I look at Charlotte suddenly terrified "I know there is a lot going on but he loves you" I nod and head to the bathroom.

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