Time moves slowly

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It's been weeks, Summer break ends this week and I have to head out to Japan for the Grand Prix this weekend. I've been keeping my training up and I've been in for the simulator at the MTC but Mols still isn't awake. It's been too long, the doctors are starting to worry, she was placed in a medically induced coma to help her recover but she is recovering much slower than they anticipated. Her stomach still isn't healing and she is losing weight, I've never seen her this skinny ever, she looks really unwell. I've been swapping days with her mum for the last couple of weeks and sat here for hours talking hoping everyday she will wake up. Charles calls every other day, he is concerned as she has been through too much lately. She will wake up, she has too.

I'm currently packing my suitcase for the race weekend, we fly out this afternoon. I feel guilty for leaving, I'm worried I won't be here when she wakes up but I have a job to do and she will also understand that. George is travelling with me as he doesn't want to travel alone at the moment and I know I could use the company. He's been taking this hard, he isn't enjoying working with his new PO. Mols never overly liked Lauren so I'm not surprised George isn't a fan. Once I've finished packing I'm heading straight to the hospital to sit with Mols for a short while before my flight.

The corridors are beyond familiar now, hospitals properly freak me out. They always have a smell like bleach and medicine. It always feels like a negative place to be, it's difficult to stay positive. The house feels empty without her singing in the kitchen or watching Greys Anatomy in the living room. The bathroom always used to smell just like her due to her shampoo and perfume. It just feels wrong and I don't know how I would cope if she is actually gone.


I haven't told anyone but I'm pretty certain Sam and Lauren had something to do with James finding Mols. Knowing where she was all the time, being able to pass James information. Lauren has been asking far too many personal questions about her condition and it's becoming quite sus. It's progressed from concerned coworker to being outright nosey. She seemed surprised when I was there for the hand over with Mols and I found that odd. And like with Sam, he was tasked to stay with Mols but she could never find him. I'm going to keep an eye on them, I might give some false information to Lauren and see if it gets back to Sam. It hasn't sat right with me that he was still at hers even though we went for a drive.

We are off to Suzuka this weekend and I know Lando already isn't coping with the idea of leaving her here without us, we are flying out together which I'm grateful for. I feel the same, the summer break has meant that we have stayed with Mols and this will be our first race weekend without her since this happened to her. I had hoped she would've woken up before we had to leave. I know her mum and Lando's parents will stay with her but I feels wrong to leave her. The police still haven't manage to find James and I know she won't be safe till he has been sentenced and put in prison. Her mum is currently in the process of getting a restraining order but it's proving quite difficult when Mols can't confirm that he was the one who stabbed her.

I'm currently on my way to the hospital, I will have about an hour with them before I need to drive me and Lando to the airport. I always get a sense of hope wash over me when I walk through the hospital doors, that perhaps she just woke up and she will be okay. It hasn't been the case so far but I'm always feeling hopeful! I knock twice on her door before opening it "Good morning George" I send a smile "Morning Mrs Lanes" I give her a small hug and my eyes move across to Mols "how is she today?" I know the answer already "no change, now you are here I will head home, I will be here all weekend" she places a kiss on Mols forehead before giving me and Lando a hug goodbye. "I don't want to leave her" Lands speaks up "me either but we need too" he nods "just feels wrong" he is right it does "we will be back before you know it" he nods "yeah" we sit with Mols and I notice Lando place a letter on her table "I've told Mrs Lanes, I just want her to have something if she wakes up"


We've just landed in Japan and I feel like I've left half of myself in that hospital room with her. She is my person, doing all of this feels wrong without her. However Suzuka is one of my favourite tracks and I want to get a good result for her this weekend. James has taken too much from both of us already.

Once we arrive at the hotel George goes to his room and I make my way to mine. I've got a packed media day in the morning with the incident being one of the hotter topics. It's an odd feeling not having my girl with me to help me through these sorts of situations, I have to believe she will wake up, I have too. I need to unpack my stuff as we are here till Sunday evening makes no sense to leave it all in the suitcase. I've only really brought with me hoodies and underwear as my team kit comes along with the team. I shove everything onto the shelves in the wardrobe when something catches my eye in one of my pockets. It's the ring she got me for Christmas when we were together the first time, it has the date engraved on the inside. I had no idea this was here, I haven't really looked at much from when we were together before, I've tried to focus on having a fresh start but this feels like a sign.


Lauren informed Sam that Molly is still alive, in a hospital bed. This wasn't the plan, she was supposed to bleed out on the kitchen floor. I keep warning her that she doesn't want to be alive. This bitch has been a thorn in my side since I first laid eyes on her at the track all those years ago. If only she could've loved me instead of pretty boy Norris then she wouldn't be in the position she is in. The phone starts ringing "what is it?" I snap "Sir, they have left, both of them have arrived here in Suzuka" I can feel the smirk covering my face "oh really?" I need to finish the job this time "yeah, Lauren was on their flight" who would be with her? Her parents? Oh wait her father passed away so only her mother. "Keep me updated" I end the call. Time for a trip to the hospital.

She is going to regret rejecting me, stupid idiotic girl. I park the car at the far side of the car park. I need to be as inconspicuous as possible. Get in and out. The corridors are practically empty, not surprising for this time of day. Lauren let me know the room she is in, George really should watch his mouth. "Excuse me sir?" A nurse, time to act "Ah yes, Hello I'm looking for Molly Lanes" she seems surprised "oh I was informed she wouldn't be having many visitors this weekend" I can see her brain processing "oh Lando sent me as he is away" this registers with her "I see, I will let you in, Mrs lanes just headed out to grab a few overnight items" I nod my head "she mentioned she might not be here when I arrived" this seems to relax the nurse more "can I take your name for the visitors log?" I shoot her a dark smile "Jimmy" she nods and opens the door to the room.

She looks so pathetic attached to all of these tubes and wires but she brought all of this upon herself. This is what she gets for being selfish. What an easy life you have had Molly Lanes. Well she clearly isn't awake yet so that's a good sign for me. I switch off the heart rate monitor and ventilator and all goes quiet in the room. "Goodbye Molly Lanes" I tell her before I turn on my heel and walk out of the room bumping into the nurse "I have a work emergency, could you tell Mrs Lanes I was here?" I wave my phone in emphasis. She smiles "of course" before walking back towards the nurses station. I walk calmly out of the building knowing every second she is dying. Finally I am rid of my biggest temptation, she never had to work for any of her success.

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