The Scuderia

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I felt quite emotional leaving Portugal with the team. It was my last flight home with them, Lando has promised to fly to races with me as long as our schedules match. It's going to be a huge change and I'm looking forward to the challenge. We arrived home about 2 hours ago and Lando hasn't been overly chatty with me. I'm worried that my move to Ferrari will change things more than I realised. I think I was ready to leave McLaren but I'm not ready to leave Lando.

"Lands?" I call up the stairs "on the rig" he tells me and I head up to his gaming room "could we have a chat?" He looks up at me "of course we can, I think we need to" he tells me and I start to worry "okay can I go first?" I question "of course Mols" I take a breath "I'm worried my move to Ferrari is going to make our relationship difficult" he grimaces "I think our relationship has been struggling for a little while, do you feel more like friends?" I take a second and I realise he is right "it hasn't felt the same for a little while, I didn't want us to fail" he smiles sadly "I think we have tried almost too hard, we are the best of best friends and we are insane at that but I don't think romance suits us" I sigh "as much as it breaks my heart I think you might be right" he pulls me in for a hug "I'm sorry Mols but I don't think we can be together anymore" I feel my heartbreak "I know Lands, it doesn't make it hurt less" he holds my face in his hands "can you answer me something" I nod "did it feel like the same love you had with Leclerc" I freeze at his question "I suppose not, it was more of a comfortable, safe love with you it was more exciting and unknown with Charles." He nods "I thought that, we love like friends not partners" I can see how sad it makes him "I'm sorry Lands" he shakes his head "I'm not, I'm glad we tried and always for me you are my best friend" I smile and realise we will be okay "can we try to not be awkward with each other?" He laughs "we can act how we are now just no kissing" I laugh "I suppose so" there is an awkward pause "well this is the nicest break up I've ever had" he says and I walk out of the room laughing.

Oddly I'm devastated but I think he is right, it's always been more friendship. I have loved every minute of our time together but this is the right decision. I decide to make a post to let the world know what's happened as I'm sure it will be obvious as soon as we are at the next race weekend

 I decide to make a post to let the world know what's happened as I'm sure it will be obvious as soon as we are at the next race weekend

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

@MollyLanesF1 it's with a heavy heart that me and @landonorris have decided to end our relationship. It's a mutual decision as we know it has always been more friendship than anything else. In the words of Lando "this is the nicest break up I've ever had"
We are still best friends and will continue to be. I love you some much Lands.

I hit the post button and it feels completely official now. Lando has also posted

@Landonorris today I broke my own heart but we both came to the realisation that we are better off as best friends not boyfriend/girlfriend

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

@Landonorris today I broke my own heart but we both came to the realisation that we are better off as best friends not boyfriend/girlfriend. We both made this decision and we are going to continue as we did before. I love you Mols and I wish you all the luck at Ferrari!

It really is over and I feel relieved as it's easier to be friends with everything going on. My phone starts ringing and can see that is George. I quickly answer "Hey George" I say "Squirt! Are you okay?" I sigh "I think we are both more okay now. It's been coming before anything else had happened" he takes a moment to reply "we thought you were end game" I know people did "we are perfect best friends but it doesn't work as a relationship" and I know that this is completely true "as long as you are going to be okay Squirt" I know I will be "I will George don't worry about me" my heart hurts "so when do you start at Ferrari?" I totally forgot I didn't get the chance to tell George "I'm sorry I didn't get a chance to tell you about it. I go to Maranello in 2 days to get my role explained" he laughs " I would choose Ferrari as well Mols! How does Carlos feel about working with you" he doesn't know "I'm not working with Carlos, it's Charles I'm his new PO" he takes a second "wait did this cause your break up?" Not in my world "I think we realised that it's going to take a lot of work once I spend more time in Italy and it's was already difficult" he sighs "Charles still loves you, do you think this might lead to something" I shake my head "it's not my intention" I hear him shuffle about "just don't rush into anything" I know he is just trying to look out for me and Lands "I know George don't worry" we finish up our conversation and I snuggle up in bed. My phone is full of notifications

Alex - Hey Mols, I just wanted to say if you need me I'm here. I know you both said it was mutual but if you need someone give me a call

Oliver Norris - Hi Mol, saw the post Lands said he is okay and you guys are still best friends but I just wanted to check on you

Charlotte - just saw Instagram, I'm sorry if McLaren caused this. I know you are both best friends still and I'm happy it wasn't a bad break up. I'm here if you need me

Charles - just seen you and Lando have broken up. I hope I'm not the cause of it. Here if you need me Mon Ange

I send a generic reply just say we are okay. I then curl up under my duvet and start crying. The only person I want right now is Lando but I know this wouldn't be okay. We both need to deal with our emotions before we can focus on being friends again. I reckon my move to Ferrari will help both of us, I couldn't imagine being in the garage together. I curl up and sleep, I don't have the energy for anything else. I know we will be okay eventually but it's difficult to wait for that day.

The next morning my alarm goes off at 7am as I need to get sorted for my trip to Maranello. I make my way downstairs to the kitchen and see Lando eating his breakfast "morning Lands, you okay?" I ask trying to be casual "morning Mols, I'm okay! You went to bed early" I nod my head "just felt exhausted, I need to pack and get sorted for my trip" he smiles at me "are you excited?" He asks me "I'm nervous" he laughs "you will be great" I smile at him "thanks Lando" I tell him grabbing a coffee "I'm gonna pop a wash on for some stuff I need, anything you need washing" he jumps up "a couple of things, I will just grab them" he dashes up the stairs and I laugh. I start popping my items in the washing machine when he comes up behind me "is this too much" I see his hands full of hoodies "that's fine Lands" I chuckle as I put everything in the wash and start on tidying the kitchen "have you thought about moving?" He suddenly questions "I hadn't, do you want me too?" I ask worriedly "no no no! Not at all! Just thought it might be easier for you" I shrug "possibly but I like living with you" he smiles "I know Mols but we don't work together anymore and it would mean less flying" He seems to want me to go "I can speak to the team and see if it helps them" he nods "I don't want you to go but I want what's best for you Mols" he tells me and I can see him looking sadly at me "I'm sorry so much has changed so quickly" he smiles "I know but it's his things go sometimes and we are still best mates and I want you to enjoy your time at Ferrari, it's a huge opportunity for you" I pull him into a hug "thank you Lands, for everything" and I head upstairs to start packing my bags.

Best friends to PR - lando Norris Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat