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It's been a busy week at McLaren getting everything ready for the most boujee weekend on the F1 calendar, Monaco. Home to my favourite Monegasque Charles. We fly out to Nice earlier than usual as socials want to film some fun Monaco features.

It's Tuesday and I'm just finishing up in the office. Suddenly there is a knock on the door, I see Charlotte pop her head round the corner. She rushes over "do you have Lando's schedule finalised?" She quickly asks I nod "yeah of course we fly out tomorrow." She runs her hand through her hair "we need to find a slot for sky sports with both drivers" I see the issue as they usually have opposing schedules. "Okay how about Thursday at 4pm?" Charlotte scans through her papers "that should work! Thanks Molly. See you later" and she rushes back out of the office. I forward Lando his updated schedule and pack up to head home.

I pull up at the house noticing that Lando's car is on the driveway which I wasn't expecting. I grab my stuff and lock the car heading to the door when it opens revealing an excited looking Lando. "Hey Lando you okay?" I question "Mols I'm glad you are here, come quickly" and he disappears back into the house. Confused I follow him up to his room "black shirt or black turtleneck with this suit" he asks holding them up for me to see "I would do turtleneck why?" Lando packs the jumper in his case "because it's Monaco and we will be going to a fancy party at some point" I laugh and his worries "you will look great Lands" he sighs "I've never had to worry what anyone thinks till now. I don't want Amelie to dislike being out in public with me" I scoff hard "like she would have any reason for that! At the Grand Prix with Lando Norris F1 driver!" I remark and this causes him to smile. "Oh Charlotte mentioned that you won't be staying in the hotel this week?" I look away before answering "yeah I'm staying with Charles, he wanted us to have maximum time together" Lando's face falls "I was hoping we could have our traditional dinner tomorrow night?" I smile "of course we can Lands. I will just go to Charles' after" he seems happy enough with my answer and I leave him to start on dinner.

"Lands dinners ready" I shout from the kitchen about 30 minutes later. He comes rushing downstairs nearly falling in the process "what we having I'm starving" he exclaims. I laugh "we have FAJITAS! With guacamole of course" he grins and starts loading up his plate!

"Thanks for dinner Mols it was yummy as usual!" He starts collecting the plates "no problem, let's get everything tidy before we leave" we spend an hour tidying the kitchen and living room before heading to bed.

My alarm sounds at 4am, we have a super early flight out this morning. I go and make sure Lando is awake and then jump in the shower. Once I'm dressed I drag my case and bag downstairs and wait for Lando so we can drive to the airport. He runs down with his hair still wet "good to go Mols?" I nod and grab my belongings. I'm driving because Lando has a stupidly impractical car.

We meet the rest of the team outside the terminal and all head in to go through security. Once at the gate we all sit down and wait for the flight to board "is Amelie meeting you in Monte Carlo?" I ask Lando he nods "yeah she is there already for work so we are gonna meet up on Friday" I'm secret relieved that she isn't going to be around for a couple of days, but I also feel bad that I'm staying with Charles.

Once we are sat in our seats and the safety briefs have been delivered I start to panic. I pop my headphones in and Lando notices I'm shaking. He takes my hand rubbing soothing circles with his thumb, I close my eyes till I feel the plane reach altitude. I hate flying so much but it's my job now. "You seem to cope better every time Mols" I just nod. I pull out my laptop and start sorting out interview questions for the weekend with Lando. It's a short flight so we land only a couple of hours after take off. Once we are off the plane and past airport security we make our way to the hotel. I go with Lando to his room and make sure he has everything he needs before calling Charles to come and collect me. "I will see you at 7 for dinner Lands" he looks up and smiles at me "of course, see you later" I walk down to the lobby and spot a bright red Ferrari parked straight outside. I know it's Charles so I head over just as he climbs out of the car. "Mon amour! I'm so happy to see you" he pulls me into a tight hug and kisses my forehead. I chuckle "I've missed you too Charles" he lets me go and opens the door for me.

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