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Molly POV

It's an off week before the F1 circus moves to Turkey. It's been a really quick season due to the limited amount of races and the amounts of triple headers. It's been fast and had many changes, I find myself now at Ferrari and single and alone and it's a shock to the system.

I'm home with Lando this week although he needs to go to the MTC a few times to go on the sim for Turkey. I'm trying to find the right time to bring up my move to Monaco. I managed to talk to Charles before we flew home from imola and he was excited which helped calm my nerves. It's been a difficult decision but there are only a few races left so I will be home pretty soon anyway. I drag myself up and wander to the bathroom, I see that Lando is seated on his sim. I lean on the door frame watching him set up his steering wheel for whatever he has planned. I knock lightly on the open door and see his frame jump. He spins on his chair to see me stood looking at him "Morning Lands" I say holding in my laughter "you made me jump, I hadn't heard you wake up" he says with his hand on his chest "sorry Lands, have you had breakfast?" He shakes his head "it was next on my list of tasks" I know I'm going to tell him at breakfast "meet you downstairs in 5?" He smiles "you making breakfast?" He asks and I nod as his smile grows.

We are both sat at the breakfast bar, I have made blueberry banana pancakes, healthy ones as Lands is still in the middle of the season "these are yummy Mols" he says and he shoves another forkful in his mouth. I giggle before starting what will be an awkward conversation "I need to talk to you" I start and his eyes widen "okay...." I let out a breath "I've decided to live in Monaco for the rest of the season" I tell him and he chokes on his mouthful "you're what?!" He asks angrily "it will make my job easier and my move to Ferrari stick better" I try and explain. He frowns "this is Charles way of winning you back and I'm assuming you will stay with him" I bite my lip "yeah that was the plan but it was Mia who brought up the idea when she was handing over" he rolls his eyes "she knows his feelings and wants him to have his chance" I start to feel angry "I made my decision I was only informing you of it" I say before standing up and storming away from the table.

There are 4 races left in the season so I will barely be in Monaco anyway! It was more of a trial run before committing to it next season. I get why Lands isn't happy but I just want his support, it's difficult to explain to him how I'm feeling. As I throw myself down onto my bed I hear a knock at the door "Mols?" I hear Lando say "what?" I question him as he opens the door and walks into my room. I look at him and I realise then and there that I adore him as my friend, my very best friend but it's not a romantic love, there are no sparks no fuzzy feeling in my stomach. As this hits me I hear him ask a question "will this move make you happy?" He asks and I shrug "I don't know it will certainly make life easier" he nods his head "what about Charles? What are your feelings?" I take a sharp breath "Lando I can't tell you what I know you want to hear" I say and he frowns "actually I need to tell you something, I know we aren't in love, it's not the crazy sparks and romance it's a friendly love that we felt could be more but it just isn't" I frown "I was going to tell you exactly the same, I adore you Lando Norris but just not as my boyfriend but as my best friend" he nods "I think we both thought it might be an outcome of our friendship but it isn't and that's okay" I sigh "I love you so much" he smiles " as I love you but you aren't in love with me but you are in love with Charles" I can't take in his words as I'm not sure they are true "what? No I'm not" he shakes his head "do you feel tingles with him?" I nod my head "have you never been able to fully move on?" I suppose I haven't or I wouldn't have taken the Ferrari job I would be working with George "I don't think so" he shake his head "we really did try Mols so don't feel bad but I can actually say hand on heart that you both belong together and I think you should make sure he doesn't get away" my heart is racing "I'm sorry, I promise you I was with you because I wanted you and I'm sorry it couldn't be us but you are right" he nods "I know, I think you need to catch a flight" he tells me before pulling out his phone "there is a flight I can book you on to nice in 3 hours" he tells me quickly "pack a bag and go get your man" he says and I can't believe this is how it's turned out only a few weeks ago we were keeping our options open but we both know the true answer. It's Charles Leclerc and it always has been.

I decide not to call Charles and surprise him instead. I come downstairs and see Lando with his keys "I'm gonna drive you" he tells me before walking out the door. I chase after him quickly "thank you, I appreciate it" he smiles "this actually feels right, to be your wingman and best mate and make sure you are happy" he tells me sending me a genuine Lando smile. I know this isn't how break ups usually go but we love each other in the right way.

Charles POV

This apartment is a mess, I really need to clean it up before Molly makes her move here. I start picking up my laundry and getting it into the machine when I hear the doorbell. I'm confused because I'm not expecting anyone. It's pretty much 9pm. I pull my phone out and see I have no notifications so it wouldn't be my siblings. As I open the door my heart is racing as I'm worried about the person stood behind it . Once I can see who it is my heart sky rockets "Mon Amour?" It's Molly she is stood on my doorstep. "Charles!" She flings herself at me "whoa what's happening?" I quickly ask "I need to tell you something but you need to promise you will listen" she tells me and I lead her to the sofa and wait patiently for her to start speaking.

I see her take a deep breath "I love Lando, you know this but what you don't know is that even though we dated it's a platonic love" she starts and I'm confused about why she is in Monaco taking about Norris "right?" I ask "he is my best friend and always will be but I'm not in love with him, I'm in love with you" I think my heart stopped, her words come as a shock but she continues "there hasn't been a day since I was 17 years old that I haven't been in love with you. Yes we broke up and I made the decision but I regret making it." I still can't keep up with what she is saying to me "Mon Amour what are you telling me?" She is going to need to spell it out "I'm in love with you Charles Leclerc and I have been still since we broke up" my heart starts beating a mile a minute "wait you are In love with me now?" She nods looking nervous "it's okay if you no longer feel the same but I needed to tell you" I shake my head, my stupid girl "If you think I don't want you then you are more stupid that I first realised" I can't handle the space between us anymore and I smash my lips onto hers.

Best friends to PR - lando Norris Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora