Your past always catches up with you

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It's been a month since China, I took the last race weekend off but I'm back now in Spain read for the weekend! George has informed Williams of James and what he has said and what's happened and now I'm not allowed to go anywhere alone. If I'm with George or one of the boys that's fine but if not I am to go everywhere with Sam who is part of George's press team. I feel relieved because I cannot face him again, I keep having nightmares and Charles is getting concerned with my lack of sleep.

Barcelona is one of my favourites of the season, pre-season testing always makes this track feel like coming home. It's Wednesday and I'm heading into the paddock with Sam as George and the boys won't be here till tomorrow. I feel on edge the whole time and Sam can tell I'm not okay "we are nearly at the garage, it's okay" he tells me. I take a deep breath "I'm okay, let's get today done" he smiles at me "it's only a couple of hours" I nod and we arrive at the garage a few minutes later "Morning Mols" I turn and smile at Jim - George's race engineer "Morning Jim, everything looking okay this weekend?" He grins "feeling good about it, how was your week off?" He asks knowingly "needed! I'm much more calm being here now" he pats my shoulder "George and Sam will keep you safe and I'm sure Charles will be the same" I smile when I hear his name "he's been great already" I smile before heading to the media office. I'm here to cover as our social media manager is off sick with covid, so I need to post updates all weekend. It's annoying as it means spending more time in the paddock. I look through the pictures and decide on one for the start of the weekend

@williamsracing Back at Barcelona! Let's get this! I tag George and make sure to add the appropriate hashtags before posting

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@williamsracing Back at Barcelona! Let's get this!
I tag George and make sure to add the appropriate hashtags before posting.

Once I've finished off George's schedule for the weekend and answered as many emails as I can manage I pack my laptop and phone away to head to the hotel. Charles got an earlier flight to stay with me later and he is landing around 4pm. I walk back through the garage to find Sam and he isn't anywhere. I loiter about watching the mechanics working on the cars. I'm starting to get annoyed I've messaged him and called and he hasn't got back to me. My feet start aching as I lean on the outer garage wall wanting to keep out of the way. Jim spots me "hey Mols, why are you still hanging about?" I explain that Sam has gone AWOL. He grins at me "I've heard rumours that you are a bit of an engineer?" I shrug "my dad taught myself all I know" he gives me a look "wanna get stuck in with the boys?" I smile "sure! I will let Charles know I'm staying later and perhaps he will meet me here?" Jim nods and introduces me to the team and they put me to work. I've been underneath the car working on the skid plate for about an hour and I'm finishing up when Jim calls my name "Mols!" He shouts and I slide myself out from under the car "Of course this is where you would be" Charles says from the opening to the pit Lane "of course!" I get up and brush my hands on my jeans as I rush over and give him a hug "missed you" he mutters in my hair "I missed you more" he grins "ready to go?" Jim nods at me "you have been a huge help" the guys in the team agree "well I will help pack down on Sunday then!" And they all agree as I put my bag on my back "see you all tomorrow, oh and Jim if you see Sam let him know I've gone home" he rolls his eyes "I will have a word" causing Charles to laugh. We walk down the paddock hand in hand "good day mon ange?" I nod "very productive, managed to learn the social media side and get most of my emails answered" he smiles "annoying you had to come out early to cover" I shrug "I'm just glad you managed to get an earlier flight!" He smiles "anything for you Mon Ange"

After a cute evening with Charles, we went out for dinner to a lovely tapas restaurant. I was beyond stuffed but it was lovely to have quality time with him. He wandered around the city hand in hand for a couple of hours down to the beach front. It was bliss, it's been ages since we've been able to do normal couples things. My alarm sounds and I roll over to face Charles, I peck his lips then move around his face till I notice him smirking "I love when you wake me like this" he wraps his arms around me and we spend the morning wrapped in each other. Once 8.30 rolls around I know I need to shower and get myself ready if I'm going to get to the track for 9.30. Once I look reasonably representable we head out of the hotel. Charles drives us to the track. The radio plays A Sky Full Of Stars and we both find ourselves singing loudly as Coldplay happens to be both of our favourites. I catch his eye and he grins at me, in that moment I realise I have all I need for the rest of my life and he is who I want to spend it with.

I climb out of the car, shutting the door and walking away from the Ferrari. Charles walks over to me "got everything Mon Ange?" He asks me just before he locks the car. I have everything but notice his bag is on the seat "your bag?" He pulls open the car door as I walk towards the end of the car park chuckling. I know he will run to catch up with me. I hear tires squeal and lift my head to see a car speeding towards me "MOLLY" I hear Charles yell as the world goes black.


He hit her, with a car. I saw it coming but I was too slow to reach her. The speed he was doing was crazy fast and I couldn't get to her in time. James smirks at me as he continues driving past me. I run to her and see blood all over the tarmac coming from her head and her legs. "Molly can you open your eyes?" I ask and she doesn't respond. I pull my phone out calling for an ambulance as I also call the FIA medical centre and both assure me help is on the way. Eric arrives on scene first and starts working on saving her life. The rest goes as a blur as the ambulance arrives and I let out the tears I've held in. The paramedics move her into the back of the ambulance as George rushes over to me "What's happened Charles?!" He asks arriving at my side as more people appear at the circuit "he hit her with a car" I mutter "I wasn't close enough to help her" he pulls me into a hug "mate it's going to be okay" he tells me as the paramedics call me into the ambulance.

Shorter upload but there will be another tomorrow!

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