I need Lando

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Sweat, I'm soaked in sweat. I pull back the duvet and try to move as quietly into our bathroom as possible. The light flickers on with a dull buzz as the only sound in the room. My reflection in the mirror makes me jump. I look horrendous, dark and deep bag under my eyes which themselves are watery. My hair is stuck to my face due to how much I was sweating in my sleep. The dream felt real, the most upsetting part is the fact that I have lived through something that horrible that a bad dream could be real. I just want to be able to live my life without fear of James. Spotting my reflection again i definitely need a shower. Leaning into the cubical room switch the power on and start the flow of water I really hope this doesn't wake up Charles. The water takes a few minutes to reach the right temperature so I quickly wash my face with hot cloth cleanser before stripping out of my damp clothes and under the shower head. The water feels refreshing, the bathroom door creaks open and my heart is in my mouth "Mon amour? What are you doing it's 3am?" Charles questions "I had a terrible dream, I needed a shower" his head pops round the glass of the shower cubical and I feel relief wash through me that he is here. Before I have time to process he has stripped off and standing in front of me. "Can I wash your hair?" He asks so softly "sure" I turn to face the water and he starts to massage in my sweet scented shampoo "do you want to talk about it?" I'm starting to relax under his touch "James" is the only word I can muster before I burst into tears. Charles is quick to wrap me into his arms "it's okay mon ange, I won't ever let him hurt you again" his words do little to calm me down as all of the events finally seem to hit me all at once.


She is scaring me, her sobs sound like my mothers when my father passed away. James has taken part of her, part of my Molly away. She hasn't been the same since she woke up from the accident. I want to support her but I don't know how, she isn't letting anyone in. The water is starting to go cold and I realise we must have been stood here with me consoling her for at least 30 minutes "mon ange we need to get out now" she looks up at me as she tries to control her cries "I need Lando" is all she says and I feel my heart break that I'm not enough for her right now. It's almost 4am I doubt he would answer the phone "I can try to call him but it's 4am" all I get back is a nod "okay hang on" I step out of the shower and she follows my lead. She just stands staring into space so I wrap her in a towel "let's get you dry and in some PJs" she almost mechanically nods her head as I lead her into the bedroom. The bedside lamp is on from when I first came to find her. She perches on the edge on the bed and I quickly find one of my shirts and a pair of underwear for her to put on. She dutifully pulls the items on taking a deep inhale of my shirt which causes me to smile. I grab my phone from the side and quickly select Lando's number, it starts ringing and part of my hope he won't wake up so she can rely on me "Hello?" He answers very groggily "Lando it's Charles, sorry for waking you but Molly needs you" I hear him take a breath "give me 5 minutes" and he hangs up the phone. He didn't even need an explanation.


It's 4.15am and I'm walk quickly up the road to Mols house. I didn't ask any questions once Charles said she needed me. It was starting to lighten up as sunrise was approaching. Putting my key in lock I swing the door open and it's completely silent in the house. "Charles?" I shout assuming he would be waiting for me "our room" I hear fairly from upstairs. Taking the steps two at a time I rush into the room and see her staring blankly at the wall. I knew this was coming, she never dealt with what has happened to her. "Lando is here" Charles almost whispers to her "Lands?" She finally looks towards the door. She doesn't look like my best friend right now she looks broken, "Mols, come here" I open my arms as I reach the bed and she steps into them as she starts crying. I lock eyes with Charles who looks scared, neither of us know exactly how to help her but being here is a good start. "I'm going to make a coffee would you like a tea Lando?" Charles asks as I'm rubbing Mols back as she starts to calm down "oooo yes! Get Mols one too please tea always helps" he looks confused "it's a British thing" he nods but I can tell he doesn't get it. He heads out of the room and Mols looks up at me "why me? What have I done?" This is a question I've been wanting an answer to "it's not you, this is all him, he is fucked up and seems to be focused on you" she shakes her head "I wish I knew the answers Mols but what I do know is you have come out the other side. You are the strongest person I have ever met and I'm beyond proud of you for facing every single day" she shakes her head " I'm not strong it's a lie, I feel a sick feeling in the pit of my stomach whenever I leave the house, I don't feel safe with Charles and before you say I know it wasn't his fault but he was with me and something still happened so am I ever really safe?" She looks so vulnerable right now and I don't know what to say "I'm not sure Mols but we know his true colours now so we can anticipate what he might do" nodding slowly she looks towards the door hearing Charles taking the stairs "maybe we can speak to Williams and the FIA about how unsafe you feel and go from there?"


Charles walks in with a little tray holding our teas and his coffee, he looks at me relieved and I realise I'm not crying anymore "that's an idea Lands, perhaps I can try" he nods as Charles looks confused "I never feel safe" I start explaining wrapping my hands around the steaming mug of tea he passes me "at work?" He asks and I take a deep breath "not just work, all of the time" he frowns "because I was there and he still hit you with that car?" He angrily asks and I feel tears welling up in my eyes "she is allowed to be scared, we don't understand what she has gone through but we need to help her as much as we can" Lando defends me. Charles sighs "I'm sorry if I haven't been there for you Mon ange" he wraps his arm around my waist "it just need some time, I don't feel like myself right now so I can't be the Molly you are used to, I lost months of my life and I still need to come to terms with that" he nods in understanding "I'm not going anywhere" and I needed that reassurance from him, and I need Lando as well now more than ever before.


we have arrived at the circuit in the Netherlands for the first time, Charles has been excited for this race since last year when it was cancelled due to the pandemic. He has been walking around on eggshells around me since my breakdown last week. I'm glad he won't let me leave the house alone either him or Lando have been with me all week. Charles wouldn't let me fly out today with Williams he insisted we took a private jet!

@charlesleclerc flying the short journey to Zandvoort in style, accompanied by my girl @mollylanesF1 who also is my personal photographer! Let's show this new track what Ferrari is made of!

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@charlesleclerc flying the short journey to Zandvoort in style, accompanied by my girl @mollylanesF1 who also is my personal photographer! Let's show this new track what Ferrari is made of!

He insisted on posing for a photo due to media commitments! I did feel less anxious flying this way even if it was far too boujee! We are making our way to Williams as Charles has made sure George will be waiting for me and Sam has been tasked to not leave my side. Later on today we are going to talk to the FIA about James and his access to the paddock. Charles, George and Lando are ominous with me to hopefully enforce how serious this situation is!

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