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We are walking down to the FIA offices, I start to feel very anxious about telling them about my past relating to James. It's difficult to talk about with Lando let alone complete strangers. Charles squeezes my hand and it causes me to jump, I can feel the anxiety swirl in the pit of my stomach. He looks hurt but it isn't him it's just this situation. "Right Mols do you want us to come into the meeting?" Lando asks and I nod my head as we reach the doors "okay Molly no problem" George let's me know. I push the door open and turn to look at Charles for reassurance and he gave me a small smile before touching my cheek gently "I love you Mon Amour" he whispers as we reach the reception desk "hello can I help?" The receptionist asks eyeing up the drivers "I'm Molly Lanes I have an appointment" she nods "head to the first door and take a seat they will join you in a moment" I nod politely and follow her directions.

We have been sat for about 10 minutes and I've noticed Lando's leg bouncing up and down in anticipation. "Apologies for the delay Miss Lanes, I'm Francois" the man speaks before looking over at the group "oh Hello Mr Norris, Mr Leclerc and Mr Russell, I wasn't aware you were joining us today" they all politely say hello and suddenly the focus is on me "Miss Lanes what can we discuss today?" I take a shaky breath and the words don't come, George notices and takes over "Molly has an issue with a member of Liberty media that she wishes to discuss with you as his appearances at the Grand Prix weekends is causing her to be unsafe in her work environment" he finishes by squeezing my forearm "okay and can you explain the issue?" I take a deep breath "he was a friend from long ago, he raped me and then wasn't in contact since. Then a few months ago he got in contact and then hit me with a car hospitalising me for 3 months." Francois looks shocked at what I have told him "Okay and how does he have access to the paddock?" Lando steps in now "he works for Liberty Media" he reminds him and Francois shakes his head "okay I can advise Liberty media that he won't be allowed into the paddock, we won't have a member of team staff threatened in our paddock" I let out a sigh of relief. Charles grabs my hand "just to confirm he won't be allowed access?" He shakes his head at us "none at all from close of the paddock this evening"

Once we are back at Williams I feel considerably safer, Charles gave the FIA all of James's information to make sure it's all finalised. "How are you feeling Mols?" George asked me once I was settled with my laptop in the back of the garage "a little better, I'm still scared of him" he nods "we won't let anything happen to you, I promise" I nod before turning my attention to my emails. I'm beyond excited to be at Zandvoort for the first ever F1 weekend! I promised I would go and see Max and wish him well at his home GP but I'm going to wait for Lando to come and collect me before going as I still don't feel comfortable in the paddock alone. Today is media day so I need to grab George if we are going to make it to the press conference in time "GEORGE" I shout and he flinches before he looks over to me with every other person in the garage "uhmm we need to get moving to get to the press conference, grab Nicky as well please" I get up and go to find Sam who should be ready to go but he isn't anywhere to be found, this man keeps disappearing on me! George and Nicky walk up to me "let's get a move on then" George says nudging my arm before giving me a smirk "I can't find Sam Nicky so you will have to make do with sharing me today" he frowns "I never know where that guy is!" This is very strange behaviour for a PO "perhaps talk to team management about it, this really isn't acceptable" he walk out of the garage and I feel nervous, George picks up on it "it's okay Mols, you've got us both" he nods at Nicky who was made aware of the situation once I returned.

Once we make it to the conference room I usher both of them inside and apologise for the fact we are a few minutes late before taking a seat in the front row. Both drivers as always are immaculately behaved, this is the least issues I've ever had as a PO and it's quite refreshing really! George chats about Williams moving upwards since being taken over by new ownership and Nicky talks about the rule changes next season. It's pretty laid back but also a decently informative interview and I get up once it's declared finished and meet the drivers as we leave heading to our next round of interviews "thanks yet again for always being so easy in press conferences" I tell them earning chuckles from them both "right let's get to the media pen!"

The day flys by in a blur of activities and I'm actually relieved when Lando arrives at the garage so we can go speak to Max "ready to go Mols?" I nod my head swinging my rucksack over my shoulder "let's get going, I'm absolutely exhausted" he looks at me "you look it too" he jokes and I give him a little shove as we walk out of the garage and down the pitlane to red bull. "On a scale of 1-2000 how insufferable do you think Max is going to be this weekend?" Lands asks me and I giggle "2000 definitely!" He laughs "how are you feeling today?" I shrug my shoulders "a little better but I'm still scared Lands, he is about but I don't know where or what his plans are" he frowns "we will keep you safe Mols" I nod as we arrive at the garage entrance "VERSTAPPEN" Lando yells out grabbing his attention he rushes over to us "Guys! You made it!" We both grin and he pulls me into a hug "had to see our favourite Dutch driver and wish him luck before his first official home GP" he smiles at me "I'm glad you wanted to come, I feel like I haven't see either of you in a while" Lando gags "gone soft Max?" He shoves him "shut up Norris" he says rolling his eyes "it's going to be a really interesting weekend" Max starts before he is interrupted "mon ange?" I hear from behind me and I spin on my heels "Charles?" He looks really confused "what are you doing here?" He assesses the situation "we came to wish Max luck before his home GP" he nods slowly "okay... well I was about to call you to see if you were ready to go back to the hotel?" He tells me looking uncomfortable, him and Max don't get along particularly well "okay yeah sure, see you later guys, good luck this weekend Max! Unleash the lion" I give him a quick hug before doing the same with Lando "message you later" he whispers before I pull away to join Charles "let's go then" I say as he grabs my hand and we walk down the pit Lane. "Good day?" I ask him and he keeps his eyes forward "it's been alright, yours?" I frown slightly at his behaviour "it's been okay, couldn't find Sam earlier so I became Nicholas's PO for the day as well as George so I'm absolutely exhausted" he nods subtly but doesn't continue the conversation. We make it to his Ferrari in the car park and I feel uncomfortable exposed here "can you unlock the car" I ask abruptly "yeah I'm just finding my keys" he tells me annoyed. I find myself scanning the car park and make sure I'm sandwiched between his car and the neighbouring Honda presumably of Pierre. He finally finds his keys and unlocks the car, I wrench the door open before climbing in as fast as my legs would allow me. Charles gave me a confused look but started the car and we headed off to the hotel.

Once we arrive in the room, Charles sighs loudly and drops his bag to the floor. He goes into the bathroom without saying a word to me and that's when I become certain something is up. He is never like this with me, things haven't been right since my accident and I know I struggle to feel safe with him because he was there and James still ran me over with a car. It's not that I'm holding it against him it's that I don't trust him to help keep me safe. Just as this thought crossed my mind the door to the bathroom opens "Charles can we talk?" He makes eye contact with me and frowns "I think we should" he sounds really serious "okay well would you like to go first?" I ask and He nods "things haven't been the same since your accident and I do understand that a significant event like this one will change things but I don't feel like we are together. I got angry earlier when I saw you stood laughing and joking with Lando and Max because you don't do that with me anymore" my heart sinks "okay, I think I understand but they are my friends and I feel so scared and uncomfortable, I need my friends to help me" he shakes his head "I know I need to be patient but you won't even let me touch you and this is a partnership but I no longer feel like your partner" he sounds emotional "I'm sorry that I haven't been able to be how I was before, I'm sorry that I still need more time, everything that happened has bought up memories from my past that make me uncomfortable even though I know it's you" he nods slowly "I know Mol, I also know that regardless of you trying you can't help but blame me for not keeping you safe, I blame me" a frown crossed his features, I need to be honest "I do and I am really sorry for that" he shakes his head "I get it, I really do, I don't want to lose you, I fought so hard for this and I know Norris would be furious if this didn't work out" I'm taken aback "what does Lando have to do with any of this" he runs his hands through his hair "shit, I spoke with him when I wanted to get you back and he stepped aside assuming you would be happier but he is still very much in love with you" I let out a laugh "he isnt! We are best friends and we decided it was for the best" Charles shakes his head "you still had feelings for me, he knew this and because he loves you he let you go" I can't believe what I'm hearing "okay but what does this have to do with the issues we are having?" He shifts awkwardly "you are comfortable and happy with him, how you aren't with me anymore" I reach and grab his hand "I am beyond in love with you Charles, I am dealing with a lot and I just need you to be patient with me" he squeezes my hand "I needed to hear that, I've been worried your feelings had changed" I shake my head "of course they haven't, I'm just dealing with a lot of difficult emotions and I need you and Lando and George to help me put myself back together again" he nods "I'm sorry I wasn't being patient enough, I love you mon ange"

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