The Proposal

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I walk through the paddock towards the garage, it's the Mexican GP and almost the end of the season! It feels like it's been the longest season so far, Molly being in hospital more than once and dealing with the dickhead who put her in there. I'm glad we can focus on the future, she is back this weekend and I've been desperate to see her! I need something good, Charlotte ended things this week saying that my heart wasn't in it and I suppose she was right. We barely saw each other and I know that my heart belongs to someone else.

"Charles!" I turn seeing Carlos running over "morning mate, you okay?" He nods "morning! Yeah have you heard?" Okay well now I'm confused "heard what?" He looks awkward "oh! Lando is proposing tonight!" My heart drops "oh wow!" I say and Carlos frowns "it's been a tough year for them, I'm glad they can grab some happiness" he studies my expression "oh absolutely!" He smiles "let's get on with today shall we?" And we walk towards the garage together.

Proposing? Seriously? The more I think about it the more upset I get. I understand that I chose Charlotte but I could see her feelings for Lando. I should be happy for her happiness, but I'm not. "Charles time to go to the press conference" Mia tells me and I grab my cap before walking out of the garage with her next to me. My eyes immediately scan the group of people waiting for her and she is here, stood with George. I slowly make my way over being able to hear some of the conversation centre "oh that's cool" George says as approach and Mols looks down at her notes "should be straight forward questions about how the season has been" She explains looking through her papers "that's okay" he says, I'm about to say hello but I'm interrupted "George" I hear a voice and see Checo "hey! You good?" George asks him "very well thank you mate" he says and they talk some more as I decide to talk to Mols and I approach the group "Hey mon ange" She turns to see Me and her face lights up "hey Lechair! You okay?" I nod "how's the first day back?" I smile "straight forward so far, yours?" I shrug my shoulders trying to act cool but inside my stomach is full of butterflies "same old really" She can tell something is wrong "what's the matter Charles?" She asks resting her hand on my arm, tingles erupting over my skin "Charlotte ended things" I find myself explaining "what? That's crazy" I can't lie I'm hoping it might make her think twice about saying yes later "it just hasn't been working" I explain "well if you need someone to talk to you know I'm always here right?" She ask and I nod "thanks Mon Ange" and I can't resist pulling her in for a hug but we are interrupted "we are going in" George tells her giving me a sharp look "I will check in later" She assured me as she runs behind George into the press room. I watch her go and I realise I made the biggest mistake of my life letting her go!

"Thanks for following the correct responses" Mia tells me sarcastically as we walk out of the press room. "Well of people ask stupid questions, expect sarcastic answers" I say and she frowns "I get you are hurting but I need you to be in full media mode today" I nod my focus drifting to the figures ahead of Mols and George. I should've tried with her, I should've made it work, she needed me and I wasn't there. I shake my head to clear my thoughts "sorry Mia, I will" I say sending her a small smile and she seems happy with my answer.

It's been the longest day and I desperately want to go to bed. I throw my backpack over my shoulders before going to leave the garage "aren't you coming?" Carlos asks from behind me "coming where?" I ask curiously "the proposal later!" He encourages me to follow him out into the paddock "when?" Carlos looks at his watch "probably about 9pm" he tells me and I nod "I will be there" I say and he grins "I need to go give Lando a pep talk, or he will chicken out" he runs off towards the McLaren garage. Okay well new plan, grab dinner then come back to the track I suppose! I walk down the paddock and just before I reach Williams I spot Molly and I give a low whistle "Look at you" She glances up from her phone and see Me "date night" She explains gesturing at her outfit, my heart sinks but I play it off  "well Lando is a very lucky man" I say gesturing up and down "thank you! I just wish he would hurry up!" She complains "I can wait with you if you want?" I offer I'm surprised that she nods in agreement "thanks, did you end up having an okay day?" She asks me and I nod "was pretty okay, I'm glad it's over though" he tells me "did they ask about Charlotte? I saw her Instagram post" I nod again my mind flickering back to the press conference earlier  "best to get the truth out there but I can guarantee they will comment on my ability to keep a woman" I say and she bursts out laughing "I'm sure you will find the right person" She says giving me what I take as reassuring smile, what she doesn't know is that she is my person  "Thanks Mon Ange" I comment as I sense another person and turn my head and see Lando walking down the paddock and he looks nervous, he is in a pair of black skinny jeans and a dark T-shirt "Hey baby" Mols say as he approaches and my heart breaks, she used to call me that! His eyes drink her in "Hey Mols, Charles" he gives me a grin and I can't take it  "I will leave you guys to it, see you tomorrow" I tell them before heading as fast as I can to the exit of the paddock.

I hang up the phone as Carlos informed me that I need to be in the McLaren garage in 10. I climb out of my car after grabbing something to eat at my hotel and quickly pulling on some jeans and a T-shirt. I walk through the now practically deserted paddock towards the papaya garage. I can see George and Alex waiting "Hey guys" I say as approach them "Hey Mate! We weren't sure if you would make it, Carlos said he told you" I nod "I just want to see her happy" I comment as pragmatically as possible. "It's happening" Charlotte shouts and everyone quietly makes their way to the the fencing on the edge of the track. I see them both stood and from here we can just hear what they are saying "this is special" I say to lando turning to see him on one knee "what's going on?" She asks, even though Im sure she knows the answer "I want to do this in Monza next year but life has an awful way of getting between us" Lando begins and I see her eyes start filling with tears "and I've been taught we don't know how long we have with the people we love the most. So when is the right time for anything? I knew I wanted to ask here, perhaps not this track but during a weekend because this is your passion too, I thought about the beach or our home but I thought this was the right place" He tells her looking the most nervous I've ever seen him "I have been in love with you since I was 14 and I'm now 23 and I know for certain that you are the person I want to spend the rest of my life with. I've nearly lost you more times than I wish to count and I know in my heart that you are it for me, I don't want to wait for a right time I just want you" he takes a deep breath and Can see her shaking "Molly Lanes? Will you marry me?" She doesn't say anything just nods her head and Lando jumps up pulling her into his arms and giving her a very passionate kiss. I can't help but feel jealous , that should be me! Why did I mess up so bad! He steps back and opens a box and shows her what I assume is a beautiful ring "it's beautiful" She mutters "it reminded me of you" he says sliding it onto her finger. Once that's done an eruption of cheering starts and she finally notices all of the people stood in the pitlane against the fences. George jogs over and we all follow suit "congratulations guys" he pulls both of them in for a hug "you knew this was happening?" Mols asks and he nods "he nearly chickened out earlier but he knew this was the right time and the right place" then Max wraps his arms around her waist "so happy for you" he tells her and She can't stop the happy tears from falling. I decide to leave her to her celebrations and I force my gaze away to see Carlos with Lando and I head over to give him my congratulations. Even though I'm secretly hoping I might get one more chance to call her mine again.

Bonus chapter! I thought a Charles perspective of the proposal would be interesting and it also flows into the story line of the sequel! Thank you all for your ongoing support! ❤️

Best friends to PR - lando Norris Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu