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I've just arrived at Grove with Lando "I'm worried Lands" he squeezes my hand reassuringly "it isn't forever Mols, it will be okay" I nod before kissing him gently on the cheek "I need to go as my meeting wirg Simon is in 5 minutes" he nods "I will be around, just give me a call and I will come and pick you up" I nod "cool, see you in a bit, love you" he grins "I love you Mols" I shut the door to the McLaren that seems very out of place at the Williams headquarters. I feel sick, taking a deep breath I walk into the building scanning my pass at the reception gates "Morning Molly" Caroline says "Good morning" I manage a smile as I head to Simons office. I knock gently on the door "come in" I hear so I slowly open the door "Hello Simon" he smiles "Hello Molly, to what do I owe the pleasure" he gestures at the chairs and I take a seat "actually it isn't where I pictured myself when I took this position, I have come to feel really at home within Williams" I pause "that's because you are an integral part of the team" he tells me "I know and that's what makes this decision so difficult, I know you are already aware of my issues with James" he nods allowing me to continue "well he threatened me again in the paddock last weekend, I was with Max Verstappen at the time" Simon looks shocked "Molly you should've told me" I shake my head "seemed to not make much difference, I have been talking with Lando and we both think I need to step away from F1" Simon seems to understand "are you quitting?" I shake my head "I was hoping to take some leave? Till the situation calms down?" He smiles " I think that sounds like the best idea at the moment" I feel relieved "we don't want to loose you, and you and George work really well together" I smile "I adore working here and with George, this has been one of the hardest decisions, it feels like James has won because he has taken me away from a huge part of my life" Simon looks sad "you have the teams support whatever you need" I thank him before we sit and confirm what will happen. I'm going to hand over to Lauren and she will stand in till I feel comfortable to come back. It's the best I could've hoped for considering the circumstances.

It took Lando a few minutes to get back to Grove, I'm not sure where he had been? I was holding back the urge to cry when he pulled up in front of me. I quickly clamber into the passenger seat and the tears start flowing "Mols? Oh baby" he pulls me into his arms as best he can over the gear stick "did they allow you to take leave?" I nod into his chest "well that's good, it isn't all over, you can go back when it is safe to do so" I nod again and he kisses my forehead "I love you and I will keep you safe" he firmly states "I love you too" I tell him.

The drive home feels like it takes forever, I spot the road sign for Woking and I feel a weight come off of my chest. I cannot believe that James is managing to control my life, it's been an up and down couple of years but this is the worst of it. My dream was always formula one, it's been part of my family and my best friends life for so long and who knows when I can work back in formula one again "Mols?" I zone back in and see that Lando has parked on the drive way "sorry I was thinking" he looks concerned "it will all be okay" I nod unplugging my seatbelt and opening the car door, it's a really warm afternoon and I'm dressed in my full team kit "I'm gonna go get changed" I let Lando know "okay Mols" I head up the stairs and head straight into what used to be my room but now is our dressing room. I pull out a little play suit and head back to the bathroom. I sink down on the floor behind the door. I can't believe it's come to this. Get yourself together Lanes. I quickly get changed and head down the stairs to find Lando. He isn't in the living room or the kitchen but the patio doors are open "Lands?" I ask and I spot him sat on the set of outdoor sofas we have in the corner of the garden with what looks like a huge chocolate cake "Come sit Mols" I wander over and take a seat next to him on the sofa "is this for me?" I gesture to the cake "I went and picked it up from Pat Val for you as I know it's your favourite" that explains where he was earlier "oh Lands" he kisses the side of my head "I thought you might want it after today" this boy knows me really well.

It's Tuesday morning and I'm heading to Williams to hand over to Lauren. I haven't told George yet but I'm meeting him first this morning and I know he will understand but I'm still worrying. I left Lando sleeping this morning, I know neither of us slept well I have text him to let him know where I am. Pulling up at Grove my heart sinks as George is waiting outside for me like he usually does if we are both starting at the same time "Morning Mols" he calls once I've switched the engine off and I am fighting hard against wanting to cry "Hey George" I say as I open the door "ready to get started on the day?" I give him a small smile "I actually have some news" his eyes widen "what? Are you okay?" I nod "I am considering everything, but I am going to be taking a step back from F1" he looks very confused "what do you mean?" I frown "I won't be your PO for a while till we can actually sort out what's going on with James" his face falls "oh, I totally get it but I can't lie I'm gutted" I pull him in for a hug "I'm gutted too, I feel like this is him winning" he pulls away and looks at me "we won't let him, you will be back sooner than you think! Will you still come to weekends?" I find myself shrugging "Lands said I can come as his guest but I'm not sure I want to, I'm terrified of what he is going to do" I know George gets it, he saw me in that hospital bed "right we are going to meet Lauren and hand you over to her" he rolls his eyes "I don't like her" I laugh "you are just annoyed it isn't me" he nods "of course I am" he nudges my shoulder "let's go then" we wander into the reception together and scan our passes.

We meet Lauren in my office "Hey Lauren" I say as she enters the room "Hi Molly, oh George" she seems surprised he is with us here "I thought it would be good to have the meeting together that way George can be specific about his requests and you can get to know each other better" she smiles "sounds good to me" she takes a seat next to George and I start "so firstly you have a very easy driver to work with, he doesn't say anything controversial, honestly he is a bit of a grandad" I laugh as I see George sending me a jokey glare "I'm just well behaved!" He lets both of us know "so you shouldn't have too much drama or extra work" I continue explaining to Lauren George's schedule, preferred press appearances and his preferences in general. It's a bittersweet day and I feel heartbroken that this is it for a while and I don't know how long. I finish up "any issues or questions just email me" I tell Lauren and she nods "thank you, I will look after him" I look over at George leaning on the doorframe "please do, he is my absolute best friend" I tell her.

I walk out with George "wanna go on a drive?" He asks and I nod my head "I'm just glad to have you as my best friend, it might be that we aren't working together but this isn't goodbye" I tell him as I climb into the passenger seat of George's Mercedes "I know Mols but I'm just going to miss you, I like hanging out with you all weekend" he tells me with a smile as he pulls out of the car park and heads onto the country roads "it's amazing how much I trust your driving" I tell him "well I'm a great driver, I am a professional F1 driver" I roll my eyes "it's one thing driving like this it's a whole different set of skills" I joke "ones that you barely have" he argues back before putting on the radio and incredibly my favourite song - dancing in the moonlight by top loader comes on "this is your favourite right?" George asks and I just respond by singing along as loud as I can earning a chuckle before he joins me.

I arrive home around 5pm after George dropped me back at my car. It was nice to have that extra time with him. Lando is at the MTC so I'm alone for about an hour before he gets home. Something feels off, I'm sat in my car staring at the house and something is bothering me. I have that feeling in the pit of my stomach when you know something bad is about to happen. I can't sit in my car till Lando gets home, I need to stop being so ridiculous. I take a deep breath and climb out of my car grabbing my handbag. I walk to the front door and notice it isn't shut properly, perhaps Lando is already home "Lands?" I shout nudging the door open. I get no response, don't tell me he didn't shut the door properly. I shrug it off and wander through to the kitchen. A chill runs down my spine "Molly, Molly, Molly, you silly girl" I freeze, it can't be him. I reach for my phone but he lunges and grabs my arm "don't you dare" he darkly mutters in my ear "you are stupid for quitting F1, it's the only thing that protected you" I'm confused "how did you know?" He looks at me darkly "Sam, he always lets me know where you are" I oddly don't feel shocked "what do you want?" I question "that is going to require a very short answer" he laughs darkly "I need you gone, I can't have you telling anyone else about what happened" he has denied  that he raped me this is the first time he has actually confirmed it "I won't, I promise" he shakes his head "I don't believe you" something is about to happen "what are you going to do?" He doesn't respond instead he lunges and plunges a knife straight below my ribs and the pain is indescribable he pulls the knife out and pushes it into my gut. He had been holding me up "this is it Molly, you won't survive this" he lets go and I collapse onto the kitchen floor in agony. I can barely see, I keep drifting in and out he stands on my phone "finally goodbye" and all I remember is darkness.

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