Not without help

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Molly POV

I look down at the negative test in my hand and breath a sigh of relief. I walk back to the nurses room feeling 1000 times lighter. As I open the door I spot Charlotte's worried face "it's negative" I tell her and she isn't sure what to respond "oh it's good news" i tell her and I spot her shoulders relax. I take a seat with the nurse "So you aren't pregnant but I am concerned that you have stopped getting your period" I nod my head feeling a sense of dread overwhelm me "okay..." she writes something down on a form "once you are back home take this form to your Doctors, we need to make sure there isn't something more sinister going on" I grab Charlottes arm "what could be happening?" The nurse sighs " a number of different things, nothing to worry about now" I decide I will figure this out later "thank you for everything" we both stand up and leave the medical centre.

Unfortunately I took longer than I had expected "Hey Baby" I say as I get back "you were gone a while, I take it that it's party central at McLaren" I laugh "something like that" I say my mind worrying about what the nurse said. I can feel Charles eyes on me "are you worried about work?" He suddenly questions me " I am" I say hoping to distract my mind with another problem "you don't need to work you know" he tells me and I lock eyes with him "you know I can't not work, I need it" he laughs "you are a workaholic" he agrees pulling me in for a cuddle. I settle myself into his arms "I won't let you down, we will find you the perfect job" he tells me and I nod off in his arms.

Next Day:

It's finally time to fly home! I'm excited to be home, this has been the longest 4 weeks! But I'm also sad as from today me and Charles pretty much have to break up except we will know we aren't. Charles is due on Dubai for an event for his karting brand so I'm flying back to the UK with Lando. I managed to get a Doctors appointment for tomorrow as I know I won't be able to cope not knowing if something is wrong or not.

I'm just zipping my case up when I feel Charles wrap his arms around my waist "am I taking your extra stuff to Monaco?" He asks me and I shake my head "We will be able to move in eventually, but for now it's back to how things were before" he nods his head "I'm going to miss you Mon Ange" he tells me kissing along my neck causing an involuntary moan "I love how you react to me" he whispers in my ear causing a shiver "I'm sorry we wasted so much time" he says and I turn to look at him "everything that's happened has got us to this point now, I'm happy with you even if we can't be together at the moment" I tell him and he grins at me "secret dating is my favourite" he laughs. My phone goes off and I see I have a Snapchat from Lands

We are waiting for you is the caption as I see him, Rupert and one of the mechanics in the photo

¡Ay! Esta imagen no sigue nuestras pautas de contenido. Para continuar la publicación, intente quitarla o subir otra.

We are waiting for you is the caption as I see him, Rupert and one of the mechanics in the photo. I let out a giggle "I'm being summoned" I tell Charles pulling him in for a kiss "I love you Baby" I tell him and he grins at me "I love you, call me when you land?" He asks and I nod my head before grabbing my case.

Once I make it to the lobby I spot the 3 guys waiting for me "I'm here!" I yell and Lando runs over grabbing my case "hey Mols" he grins at me "ready to go home?" I ask him and he smiles at me "absolutely, happier that you are joining me for now" i send him a smile. "Hey Rups" I nudge him in the side "alright Squirt?" He asks "I will be once I find a new job!" He laughs "I reckon there is a job in the paddock for you" he tells me seriously "I hope so!" He nods "teams will be in touch now they know you are available" he tells me.

The flight home was rough, I had a sharp pain in my abdomen and I started to feel sick halfway through. I was relieved once we landed, we were fast tracked through security as we have had recent covid tests. I send Charles a message letting him know I'm back and missing him. I could've gone with him if only this stupid contact ban wasn't a thing! Charles said he was going to talk to Mattia once he is in Maranello next week. We are hoping me not being part of the team and the 3 month break might help everything blow over.

I walk into our house with Lando "it's good to be home" he says dumping his bags at the bottom of the stairs. I felt relieved to be home "I'm glad to be back" I tell him smiling "I'm sorry that you couldn't go with Charles" he tells me and I shake my head "no I'm happy to be home, our house is my favourite place on the planet" he grins at me "I know! We can't live together forever though" I roll my eyes "we absolutely can!" He laughs "whatever you say Mols!" We both head upstairs to go to bed "it's been a long season!" He tells me "it really has, I'm very much looking forward to Christmas" I tell him and he nods his head "me too! Have you started shopping" I shake my head "I've got no idea what to get anyone, especially Charles" Lando's face lights up "what about a new piano?" He asks me and it's an incredible idea "that's the best idea! Yes lands!" He puffs out his chest "what can I say I am the present master" I laugh before giving him a hug and heading to bed.

Today is the day of my doctors appointment, when I called the GP they told me to call the hospital immediately due to the form I had from Abu Dhabi. I'm stood in the kitchen making a coffee in my travel mug when Lando walks in "where are you off to?" He questions me and I decide to tell him "I have an appointment at the hospital actually" his eyes widen "are you okay?" He asks "not sure, I thought I might be pregnant but I'm not so they want to do some tests to see why I'm not having my period" he nods sadly "want me to come with you?" He asks me and I shake my head "I need to go alone, Charles doesn't know so please don't mention it" he narrows his eyes at me "will you tell him if something is wrong" I nod.

Once I arrive at the hospital I head to the reception to see where I need to go. Once I'm sat in the waiting area I feel my anxiety spike, what if this is something serious? After about 15 minutes I'm called in. Dr Smith greets me with a smile "hello Molly, how can I help you today" I sit and explain the situation to her and she decided to do a blood test and an ultrasound. She pops the cool gel on my stomach and starts moving the scanner around "I can confirm you definitely aren't pregnant but it looks to me like you are missing one of your Fallopian tubes and on your other ovary there seems to be signs of a condition we call PCOS" I knew what she was talking about as a few women on my Dads side suffer with this "what does this mean?" She gestures for me to take a seat "I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to conceive a baby without medical intervention" she tells me and I feel my heart sink. I didn't want a baby now but I definitely want children in the future and I know Charles does as well "it's isn't impossible but it will require IVF among other interventions" she continues and everything blurs "I'm so sorry" she finishes. I take a deep steadying breath "what happens next?" I ask and whilst she explains I struggle to pay attention. Once my appointment is finished I walk outside to my car and collapse into it. I immediately call Lando and he answers straight away "Mols? Are you okay? How did it go?" I start sobbing "I can't have kids Lands, not without a lot of help" I hear him gasp "I'm sorry Mols" he tells me as I start the engine of my car "I don't know what to do" I know he doesn't have the answers but I need my best friend now. "Come home and we can chat or watch movies or whatever else you need" he tells me and I pull myself together for the journey home.

Best friends to PR - lando Norris Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora