I know that you're scared

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The ambulance pulled up to the hospital and everything happened in a blur. Molly got wheeled into a trauma room with doctors telling me to wait outside. The waiting area was full of people so I sat down in the corner, she might not be okay. I ran my fingers through my hair looking at the doors she went through. This is the second time she has been in hospital since we have been dating but I know this time is much worse. A familiar group of people are stood arguing with the receptionist, it's George, Lando, Alex and Kimi? My feet make their way over "guys?" I say as I approach. "oh my god mate, what's happening?" I shake my head "I don't know, they look her into the trauma room and I've been sat waiting for information." Lando hugs me "George said it was bad, he drove over her?" I nod my head and I get flashbacks of the accident. My stomach churns and I feel like I'm about to throw up, I spin away from them and run to the bathroom. The contents of my stomach hit the toilet and I can't stop dry heaving. The bathroom door opens and feet pat across the tiles "Charles?" It's Kimi? I get up and manage to open the toilet stall "Charles! You look like shit" I glare at him "she needs you to pull yourself together" he's right, I'm a mess but she is the one who had the accident. He wraps his arm under mine and walks me to the sink "get sorted, I will see you in the seating area" throwing water over my face I feel better, looking in the mirror I see what Kimi meant, she needs me, I can't loose her.


I hate hospitals, we have all managed to get out of media duties today due to the nature of the accident. Kimi is walking back over, I'm surprised he is here with us, I know they get along but it seems strange. Collapsing on the chair next to me "Charles will be back with us in a minute, any information yet?" I shake my head. There's Charles, he looks like death "I'm gonna go ask reception again" I let them know as my feet carry me across the room "any news on Molly Lanes?" I ask the lady "I will send the doctor over as soon as he has a moment" she tells me and I feel my shoulders fall. She needs to be okay.

Once I'm sat back with the boys I notice Charles staring off into the distance "Charles what actually happened?" Alex asks him and we all freeze. He looks over at Alex "it was that fucking dickhead, he drove the car at her at full speed, I was grabbing my bag from the car and she had walked ahead, I didn't notice till it was too late. He hit her but the car didn't stop he drove over her. The sound was horrific" he stops taking a few breaths "she needs to be okay" he mutters looking at the floor. The rest of us sit in silence. "Charles mate, it will be okay" he looks at me "I really hope it is"

It's been 3 hours, no one has barely said a word. I know I keep glancing at the door and it's annoying George. I'm sat staring at my hands "Mr Leclerc?" I turn my head and spot a doctor "yes that's me" Charles stands up "we want to update you on Molly's condition is it okay to speak now?" Charles glances at us "we are her family" he nods "okay Sir, Molly experienced multiple traumas, her left femur is broken in 2 places, she has had a bowel resection and she has sustained bleeding on her brain. She is in a medically induced coma. She has many lacerations that we have stitched but need to keep and eye on for infection. We have placed steel rods to help the healing of her leg, her bowel should heal with no complications but we are concerned about the swelling in her brain, we can't give an idea of when she will wake up, I'm really sorry" the doctor finishes speaking and Charles seems to be in shock "thank you, can we see her?" I ask as Charles isn't talking "you may but only one of you can stay with her tonight" he explains and we all know that will be Charles. My heart sinks, she isn't okay, they aren't sure if she will wake up. "If you would like to follow the nurse she will show you to her room" the doctor explains and George thanks him for everything. We all follow in steely silence and it feels surreal that we are here before the race weekend. She takes us to a private room and I immediately see her laying in the bed. She is beyond pale "you can hold her hands and talk to her it might help encourage her to wake up. She should be able to hear you" the nurse smiles at us and Charles and I move straight to her sides and take her hands. I start sobbing and George wraps his arm over my shoulder. "I've spoken with the medial team and she will stay in this room and she can have visitors whenever" Kimi speaks and I had forgotten he was here "thank you Kimi" Charles mutters. "I'm going to go back to the paddock, what shall I say to the teams when they ask?" He questions and George speaks up "I will call Williams but say she has sustained major injuries due to an incident" George stops speaking and Kimi just nods "none of us will be back till tomorrow" Alex says speaking on behalf of all of us. Kimi nods and wishes Mols well before he leaves the room. It's absolutely silent and I feel like Charles doesn't know what to say to her so I go first "Hey Mols, I'm so sorry this happened to you, but we need you to wake up, you are the glue that binds us all and we won't function without you" I have to hold back my tears. We all stay with Mols till 8pm when it's time for us to go. "Charles keep a good eye on her yeah?" George asks before he leaves all Charles does is nod.


It's been the hardest day of my life so far, she is my best friend and she isn't okay. I need to go see Simon and let him know what's going on. I enter the paddock and I can feel that Kimi has managed to update most people. Walking quickly into the garage my eyes hunt out Simon "George? What's happened is Mols okay?" Jimmy asks me "no I don't think she is, the doctors aren't sure if she will wake up, she has bleeding on her brain and swelling" I start choking up "I need Simon" I tell him quickly "in the office" I walk straight back and knock on the door "come in" he says and I open the door "Oh George! I didn't expect you today" he looks at me sadly "we weren't allowed to stay, only charles" I quickly explain "I see, is she recovering?" I can feel myself frowning "she might not wake up" the shock on his face is evident "shit, I'm so sorry George" I frown "he drove over her Simon, he didn't just hit her he drove the whole car over her" I'm angry and I will make sure that dickhead pays "you know who did it?" He exclaims "her rapist" I say coldly. Once I've spoken with Simon and confirmed i will be okay to race this weekend.


It's Friday, and I'm back in the car. I wish I wasn't here and I was at the hospital. It's been difficult to focus today and the whole team has been off, Mols was part of this family and they all still care about her. My heart aches in my chest as I think of the image of her pale and lifeless in the bed. I knew James was going to try and hurt her I just never imagined this. Walking down the paddock I see members of other teams look at me sadly. "Lando?" A hand touches my shoulder and I turn to see Seb "oh Hey Seb" I mutter "how is she?" He asks "no news today, Charles said he would keep me updated though" I tell him "let me know if you hear something, I will go visit her after the race on Sunday" he tells me sending a small smile, we reach McLaren and he gives me a quick man hug before walking on. Charles isn't racing this weekend and instead it's Callum Ilott the reserve driver who I raced with in F2, this is his first big chance and I know he will race hard.


It's been 24 hours since the incident and she hasn't changed. I keep speaking to her hoping she will hear me and wake up but so far nothing. I need to pop and grab a coffee as I've barely slept, the guys will be back after practice today. I don't want to leave her side in case she goes and I'm not there. I spot a coffee machine down the corridor and enter my euros standing patiently for the drink to pour. I suddenly see a report I know from sky sports F1 and I grab my drink before dodging back to Mols room. How dare they come here! She is the same as I left her, still and lifeless. My heart feels like it has broken, she is the person who makes me smile and want to go out and win. I can't be me without her anymore and I don't want to be.

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