Finding comfort

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Molly POV

Today is my Dads funeral, we planned it so it was on an off week for F1 so Lando and Charles could join me. It's difficult as covid restrictions means we can only have 30 people attend. My family is small, just me and my mum now, my grandparents can't attend due to covid but will watch on live stream. Lando's parents are coming as they have always been family. Some of my parents closest friends are also joining and everyone else is watching the stream.

I was back at the MTC last week but I didn't attend the race and Helen filled in for me. McLaren is part of my life because of my dad and it now makes me feel upset. I have been able to focus on my work and everyone has given me the space I requested. I tend to call Charles whenever I feel particularly upset as he knows how this feels and tends to know what to say. I've been trying to talk to Lando about it and he is supportive it's just difficult.

I'm putting on my black dress and heels when Lando appears in the door way "Charles just let me know he is about 10 minutes away" he says frowning slightly. I nod my head being unable to use my words as my throat is constricting "I'm not sure I can do this Lands" i splutter before bursting into tears. He pulls me immediately into his arms "I know I can't help you the most at the moment, but I'm here and I love you" he tells me "I love you Lands"

Charles POV

I pull up outside Mon Ange and Lando's house, it's been a while since I've been here actually. I feel worried as I remember how difficult my fathers funeral was. She calls me often, not that I mind but she is always upset and today will be the first day I can actually comfort her. I take a deep breath before I knock on the door, a couple of seconds later Lando opens the door "Hey Leclerc" he says giving me a small smile "Hello Lando, how's Mol doing?" I ask him "she been crying most of the morning" he says sadly "I don't really know what to do!" He sadly speaks "where is she?" I ask as he lets me into the house "living room" he responds. I head straight in and see her sat staring at the blank TV screen "Mon Ange?" I ask as I enter the room. She looks up at me and smiles weakly "Hey Lechair" she says making her usual joke I walk over and pull her into a hug "time to head off" Lando interrupts noticing our currently position "could you grab my handbag off our bed please?" She asks Lando and she moves past me to get her coat. "I'm not ready for this Charles" she mutters as she pulls her arms through the sleeves "it's not going to be easy but it is your final goodbye and chance to celebrate his life" she starts crying again just as Lando enters with her bag "oh Mols" he pulls her into a hug and I feel my jealously bubbling but I push it down. "Shall I drive?" I offer, Mol smiles at me "that would be great Charles" we head out of the door and I unlock my Alfa Romeo that I have for this weekend.

Lando POV

This is it, time for Steve's funeral. I'm not sure I'm ready for this so I can't even begin to imagine how Mols is feeling. Although I'm not the biggest fan of how much she has been speaking with Charles I know it is helping her as he has been through this situation. I'm happy he is driving as me and Mols are cuddled in the backseat, I'm absentmindedly playing with the ends of her hair. We pull up at the church and Charles jumps out and opens her door. Always the gentleman "Mon Ange, it's going to be okay" he tells her and I fight the urge to roll my eyes at his nickname for her.

I see Jane standing outside the church with my parents. We walk over and my mum grabs Molly into a hug. Social distancing isn't really being followed but it is a funeral so I don't think anyone cares right now. We get tested twice a week any way so I'm pretty certain Me, Molly and Charles are okay. I see a familiar Mercedes pull up at the church and George jumps out and waves at me "Hi Lando, how is she?" He asks seeing her cuddled with her mum "as to be expected really" I say and he gives me a shoulder hug "oh Hi Charles, how you doing?" George questions "Hi George, I'm okay just worried about Mol as I'm sure we all are" they chat for a couple of minutes before I spot Molly looking for me. I walk over and she wraps her fingers through mine "it's time" she tells me and I squeeze her hand.

Best friends to PR - lando Norris Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora