Day 235

10 4 0

Friday, November 27, 2020


Hey, I know I'm posting early, but I can't post tonight as you know, so here it is.


Get comfortable everyone.

Gather the blankets,

Cuddle those pillows and stuffed animals close

Imagine the night sky, giant and vast, stretching all above your head.

Imagine the stars, shining oh so beautifully.

See the slightest differences in color

How the black isn't really black, the blues and purples that hide in it

How the stars aren't pure white light

They are tints of red and yellow and green and blue and everything else

See how each is a slightly different size, but they all are there

All the stars are there and exist together

You can see the patterns they create,

Some you know,

Some you don't.

Some others from centuries back have labeled,

Some you have created in your own mind.

You can see them all, side by side, in this sky

This beautiful, vast sky that is all yours to live in

Stay safe kiddos, remember to drink water!

Love you all so much <3<3<3<3


Late Night Thoughts IIWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt