Day 217

22 5 18

Monday, November 9, 2020


A friend recently asked their followers what their favorite candy is. 

I got kinda deep in my response, so I copied it then deleted it in exchange for a shorter answer. Here's my first answer though:

Hmm, I'll eat almost anything to be honest. And I rarely get to just... have candy that I chose for myself so I don't really know. I usually say 3 Musketeers or Peppermint Patty Yorks, but while I do enjoy them I don't know if they're my favorite. I know I'm reading too much onto this, I mean it's only a favorite candy after all, but it just really reminds me of how much I've missed out and how much I don't know about myself. After all, everyone else knows what they like, but I just have some bits and pieces to go off of. I like chocolate, I like how it coats my mouth and throat when I swallow it down. I like mint, how it's cool and sharp and cuts through my thoughts. I like salty tasting things, how they taste like the air in Oregon on the coast and are comforting. I like sour food to an extent, how it won't let me ignore it's sharpness in a way that's kinda grounding. I like smooth candy, how it's not rough or harsh or jagged, it just is. I like soft candy, hard candy too but soft candy the most, how it melts in my mouth and doesn't resist my bite. So I say 3 Musketeers because it's chocolate, smooth, and soft. I say Yorks because it's chocolate, mint, smooth, and soft. 

And I replied to my friend with "Reese Peanut Butter Cups" because it's chocolate, salty, smooth, and soft.

But I enjoy so many candies because they fit into my likes. And of course I enjoy candy outside of chocolate or soft candies, but those are usually things I enjoy all the time instead having to be in the mood for it.

So yeah, me having an existential crisis over what my favorite candy is, nothing much is new.

And just from that one sentence you could learn so much about me ouo 

Doesn't help that the piano cover of This is Gospel is playing which always makes me cry.

Why do I torture myself like this *sigh*

Alright, I'm going to be going offline a little earlier than usual, I'm tired almost all the time and I want to try to fix that.

Stay safe kiddos, remember to slap anyone who doesn't treat you right!

Love you <3<3<3


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