Day 280

12 3 17

Monday, January 11, 2021


Okay this is gonna be like memes and stuff because my family started watching the newest Ghostbusters (the feminists are taking over!) at like, 8pm, which means we didn't finish and it was already cutting into my writing time for this so um sorry (but seriously I really love the female ghostbusters because they completely subverted a ton of female tropes, the women talked about ghosts and guns instead of just about men, the non-stereotypical lead lady wasn't fat-shamed at all, she likes her soup with actual stuff instead of just broth and that's that! The ladies had to fight so hard just to be believed and that is so realistic I mean seriously the glass ceiling and double standard is real, one of the main ladies was super worried about her reputation because she wrote a book about ghosts using science and people laughed about it (a man would probably be treated a lot better than she was), heck she was openly harassed and people blamed her for attacking him when he was getting in her place! The secretary (thank you Chris Hemsworth) was a himbo and purely there for eye candy (flipping roles, love that), the ladies talked about men how men usually talk about women and I never knew how good it felt to see that happen, the ladies genuinely cared about each other and had real moments for bonds that wasn't just "oh they're girls so they get along" and didn't have "oh they're girls so they compete against each other" they built each other up which was super nice. The villain was a pasty white boy that "no one understands!!!" and was all like "do you know?? What it's like??? To be mistreated???" to the lead ladies and I just- their faces. They looked at him like "yeah dude, we know, we're women in a patriarchal world". I'm not touching on even half of the movie but like, it's such a nice subversion of the usual tropes and while it isn't perfect it's a great movie to start changing the tides of typical movies and I just really enjoy it).

Oh wow okay didn't realize I rambled about the movie for so long.

Oh wow okay didn't realize I rambled about the movie for so long

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Has anyone seen the Ghostbusters (but with female leads instead of male leads) movie? I think it came out in 2018? Anyone have opinions on it?

If you liked it then I recommend Ocean's Eight, if you've seen any Ocean's Eleven movies it's good, if you haven't seen any Ocean's Eleven movies it's good too. It's basically this: lady gets out of jail. She immediately steals a ton of stuff, manipulates her way into getting a hotel room, and begins hooking up with her lady friends (one of which radiates lesbian vibes like holy shit she's gotta be LGBT+) to rob a necklace from Cartier at the Met Gala. Crimes, drama, ladies being badass. It's really good, if you're into criminal action movies I think you'll enjoy.

Oh jeez I ramble about female lead movies a lot. I mean to be fair there's not many that I see so when I see and enjoy it's like!!! I see a movie about women that doesn't make me want to scream and walk away because of the sexualization!!! And sometimes it even makes me want to tear down the patriarchy more than usual!!!

Got any recommendations?

Stay safe kiddos and remember to drink water!

Love you all <3<3<3<3


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