Day 269

23 4 14

Thursday, December 31, 2020


Last day of 2020 for me.

This year has sucked so much, but it's also given me some of my happiest moments.

I discovered my pronouns, met some incredible friends, laughed so much, cried just as much, and felt truly alive.

I've started so many fics and continued ones I never thought I'd have the time to pick up again. I've written a ton and watched so much Thomas Sanders I think he's part of the reason this year hasn't been completely awful.

I take better care of my mental health, shitty as it is, and I've loved, gods I've loved so much my heart feels like it'll kill me. 

Remember the goods times, and the bad times, but don't forget what this year has taught us, both good and bad.

No matter what the new year brings, I love you all. 

Stay safe kiddos, take care of yourself.

Love you all so much <3<3<3<3


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