Day 163

28 3 24

Wednesday, September 16, 2020


Let's just ignore the part where my life is shit and my day was shit and I felt so burned out when I got home that I didn't even smile when I watched one of Thomas' videos (35 minutes of hilarious content and nothing). 

Let's also ignore how robotic I felt as I did my homework.

Let's ignore how truly dead inside I felt as I emptied and filled the dishwasher.

Let's ignore how hollow I felt when my sister, then mom asked for the laptop.

Let's ignore how I felt like crying after my mom walked into my room, then mocking doubled back and knocked on my door and asked if she could come in and how she's been doing that for a couple days now.

Let's ignore how low my social battery plummeted because a hyper friend of mine is on my bus now, usually my time to be at peace and calm down from school before going home.

Let's ignore how my self esteem shriveled up when she said my Remus cosplay wasn't the best, which yeah I knew, but it still hurt.

Let's ignore how my sister insulted fandom and fanpeople in one throwaway sentence.

Let's ignore that fact that I can't work up the courage to talk to my friend about sending her cute pictures because I know she doesn't take the fall and winter seasons great (she loves Halloween and stuff, but the whole blanding colors in nature thing affects her negatively) and I want to try to help somehow.

Let's ignore how cold I feel and how I just want to curl up into something warm but I can't because my sweaters are in the wash.

Let's ignore all that please, and focus on anything else.

Stay safe kiddos, remember to wear gloves when doing illegal stuff.

Love you <3<3<3<3


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