Day 200

45 7 112

Friday, October 23, 2020



Favorite color: basically all the colors of the ace flag plus blue

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Favorite color: basically all the colors of the ace flag plus blue

Favorite memory with friends: there's so many! Gotta say though, it's either all of the DC trip or one of the sleepovers I've had with them. Honestly every moment I spend around them is my favorite

Favorite thing about myself: my writing ability, to be honest. I'm really proud of it, and how many people seem to like what I write 

Favorite Wattpad fanfic: that's so many though! I mean, favorite series/every book by the author that has emotionally ruined me and everyone should read would be anything written by lunaeclispe22 , and InfinitesimalDna has some top-notch stories out there, and CandiWolfe is an incredible author (their Remile story, Orange Tea? Beautiful.), and I know it's not fanfic but -NightEyes- is a breathtaking artist who deserves a lot more credit! Also PrinceAli2789 is a super good artist and did the heart-stopping piece I used as a cover for the one-shot I posted yesterday, and ugh there's so many more out there I could name!! If you check out my reading lists there's a more complete list of everything I love (otherwise I'd just be tagging everyone who's written every single fic or art book I've ever read and that'd be a LOT of people)

Favorite fruit: depends on the day. I like apples, and eat them the most, but I love peaches and raspberries!

Favorite food: I can't choose between them! That's torture!!

Favorite food: I can't choose between them! That's torture!!

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Is cereal a soup? Idk

What's the stupidest thing I've done because my friends egged me on? Ummmmm, probably walking on wood chips in bare feet even though I have zero callouses to protect my feet with

Stupidest thing I've done of my own free will? Walk through a nice hotel in my socks at 11 o'clock at night to get ice for a friend's sprained ankle

Cereal or milk first? Cereal

Pineapple on pizza? Yesssssssssss I may be a heathen but it's delicious!!!!

Pineapple on pizza? Yesssssssssss I may be a heathen but it's delicious!!!!

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Opinion on pasta? Hun I'm part Italian. It's like perfection on a plate.

Garlic bread? *shoving twenty sticks into my bag* of course

Cats or dogs? B o t h 

Least favorite fruit? kiwis or avocados

Preferred vegetable as a weapon? Well a zucchini is pretty sturdy as a sword/knife, but if you grabbed a pumpkin and hit someone over the head with it they'd be out for a while.

Why does the witch-fly-on-brooms stereotype exist? No clue, please tell!!

Entire world's attention for one minute, what do I do? Either call for equal rights for everyone, regardless of gender or lack of gender, sexuality, race, mental health, etc, or insult Trump for a solid minute with as much cursing as possible

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Entire world's attention for one minute, what do I do? Either call for equal rights for everyone, regardless of gender or lack of gender, sexuality, race, mental health, etc, or insult Trump for a solid minute with as much cursing as possible.

Most disgusting restaurant? The cousin subs building by my old elementary/middle school. It has dirt in the corners and was very creepy.


How well does my gaydar work? It's either broken or barely functioning, unless a person in thick heeled boots, lots of black leather, patterned black tights/fishnet, or dyed hair shows up

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How well does my gaydar work? It's either broken or barely functioning, unless a person in thick heeled boots, lots of black leather, patterned black tights/fishnet, or dyed hair shows up. Then it screams like a demon.

Who is my favorite side and why? Honestly, it's a lost: Virgil, Janus, Roman, and Remus. Virgil because I too am an overthinking anxious person, Janus because yes I am a posh smooth talker who loves philosophy, Roman because burning-out creator who tries to please others too much is me, and Remus because I too am a feral, chaotic cursed danger to society and myself. 

What is my average sleep schedule? um, I try to be offline by 11pm so maybe 12am is when I fall asleep, and I typically wake up by 6 or 7am. I never feel rested and tend to wake up between 1 to 4am so uh... yeah.

Do I like to annoy people by speaking in medieval-style words? I doth not pretend to comprehend what you refer to.

Stay safe kiddos, remember to drink water!!

Love you <3<3<3<3


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