Day 239

79 4 96

Tuesday, December 1, 2020


Me: I need to study this.

Brain: get all the homework due tomorrow done.

Me: *does homework* 

Me: I need to study this now.

Brain: tired. Need to write.

Me: but I have the test tomorrow!

Brain: tired. Write!

Me: but-

Brain: NO

Me: but why?!

Brain: because we're your brain and we HATE YOU

Me: okay

Me: *sits down to write new side project*

Brain: no.

Me: what?

Brain: work on the update due on Sunday.

Me: I have plenty of time for that

Brain: do it.

Me: but why??

Brain: DO IT!!

Me: *writes update for Sunday*

Brain: okay, good. Now sit around on your side for an hour and do nothing.

Me: but I need to study!!

Brain: did I stutter?

Me: *lays on side for an hour doing nothing*

So yeah. I do homework for a while, then, instead of studying like I know I need to do, I wrote an entire update, then lay on my side staring off into space for a little bit.

Why? Good question. 

I don't know.

All I know is this: I'm tired, I got all my updates for the week done, and I'm not emotionally stable enough nor prepared to go back to school in person. So much has happened since I went into quarantine, so much I missed out on. I literally got a new teacher in quarantine because my old teacher had a baby! This'll be the first time I see her in person since before quarantine (she was my English teacher last year). 

I'm going to study a bit, then go to sleep early so my memory will put my studying into my long term memories so I'll remember it better.

Stay safe kiddos and get some sleep tonight!

Love you all <3<3<3


Late Night Thoughts IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora