Day 226

134 4 137

Wednesday, November 18, 2020


As a writer, I have countless issues.

Never running out of ideas/prompts, most docs are new stories that are only a few lines or a prompt or just a picture BUT I KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I WANT TO DO WITH IT, I have favorite characters, tropes I must fit in I DON'T CARE IF IT'S CLICHE IT HAS TO HAPPEN, etc.

But my biggest issues currently are 1) being too poetic for my own good, 2) comfort characters, and 3) simping for comfort characters.

Like, gods, pull yourself together Ink! I know you've tortured and added way too much tragic backstory to an already pretty tragic backstory, but will you stop coming up with new ways to show off a hurt but healing and powerful icon FOR FIVE MINUTES?!

And Ink, honey, dear, please for the love of everything, stop waxing poetry about one of your many, many main characters' wedding outfit for TWO SECONDS? WE GET IT, HE'S BEAUTIFUL AND HAPPY FOR ONCE, CHILL OUT

Of course it doesn't help that I'm literally writing for three different fandoms every single week, so my general rule is: either add angst or add gen z humor, and if it's a wedding, describe in vivid detail what everyone's wearing because I can't draw but by the gods I will paint an image into your skull with every word I type out.

It seems to work well for me, people still read so :)

Also also!! My main story on ao3 recently hit 60,000+ words!! 

That's 5,000 words more than the average teen novel!! 

And the average adult book has around 90,000 words, so if I get pass that I'll have written what equates to a full adult novel! 

And if my posting schedule doesn't change, and each chapter is exactly 2,000 words, I'll have published 90,000 words by a early April!! Less than a year after I started it!! 

Of course I'll probably have to take a hiatus for semester exams, but hopefully that'll be short and won't affect anything too much, and the date's not set in stone, but how cool is that?! 

I started that fic out as an idea after being cooped up in the house too much, back in March. I can't believe how big it's become, all the characters and chapters and words upon words upon words! It's incredible what fanfic can become.

Stay safe kiddos, remember to slap a homophobe if you can!

Love you all <3<3<3


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