Day 299

14 3 12

Saturday, January 30, 2021


Spent most of my morning writing a sweet, heartfelt chapter with someone proposing. It was beautiful, it had great relationship goals in it, it touched up on the shit they've gone through, it was emotional it made me almost cry from the sappy-ness of it.

Proceed to spend most of my day writing a painful, angsty chapter with someone trapped in a loop of traumatic memories. It was gut wrenching, add complexity to our characters, touched on all the shit he's gone through, it was so angsty I nearly cried from how beautiful it was.

Also I got all my pictures for tomorrow taken (hopefully) and they turned out pretty well! I did my hair up in a braid crown which I love doing because it gives me confidence and makes me feel good, but I rarely do it because it takes a while to do plus the amount of bobby-pins I have to put into it (and keep adjusting throughout the day) is insane. 

Also also, was feeling cute today so I took selfies and didn't immediately delete them! They are still on my phone as of now! It's progress!!

Anyways, I have stuff to do for day 300!

Stay safe kiddos, remember to love yourself!



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