Day 244

35 5 47

Sunday, December 6, 2020


Knocked out 2 updates in one day, got to zoom with my friends, and I'm honestly feeling pretty good so this is super nice!!

I have one update that I need to do, but that's not due until next Sunday so I should be fine as long as I'm working on it throughout virtual days and then finish on Friday. 

Anyways, remember back in October when I was kinda hyped because my doctor recommended that I see a therapist and my parents were actually thinking about it? 


It's December.

And nothing's happened. 

I'm not surprised, I mean I brought up maybe seeing one back in like, January, but then Covid happened so I was like, alright, it's okay if that doesn't happen, I get it.

But I've gone through a list of therapists and noted which ones looked promising, gave it to them, and told them to look them over too.

It's been about 2 months since then.

No word.

No news.

No comments.

I understand if we don't have the money, just tell me that. Don't go silent and never bring it up, because I'm too fucking scared to bring it up with you because I'm scared of conflict!

Also also, my friend's parents are apparently enby-phobic, so he couldn't use pronouns he normally uses for me when we were on our zoom call and I just...

I'm okay with she/her pronouns, but the fact that he apologized to me for not being able to use they/them just...

This dude, I love him to death, I swear he's the best. He apologized for not being able to use they/them because while normally he uses them when referring to me as much as he can, and he knows I'm perfectly fine with she/her but he also knows I cried when someone used they/them pronouns because it means the world to me so he tries his best and I just love him so much for doing his best and apologizing (when he has nothing to be sorry for) because his parents are phobic. 

I just- I'd die for all my close friends but gods he's too good for this world. I love him so much, this dude is awesome. 

I mean, he was the one who taught me what asexuality is, he's the one who I'm always an anxious mess around but he understands and doesn't mind, he's my aro ace buddy, I actually came out as demigirl at his house (birthday party thing, his parents weren't around so I was good), and I love him to death.

Stay safe kiddos and remember, I'm always here to talk or listen if you need me.

Love you all <3<3<3


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