The Incident At The Mancave

Start from the beginning

Dogma: You have to suffer with us brother

Bly: Okay, I swear I just saw that porg statue blink

Rex: What? Come on Bly, you're just paranoid

Tup: Uh, I think I saw it breathe

Jesse: What?

Cody: No way! That things dead. Isn't it??

Fives: It's a zombie porg! Ahhhh!!!!

Echo: Bro, chill, there's no way that thing's alive

Anakin: Come on, this thing is fake! Sure, I didn't stuff it, but its remained that fat and lively looking for the past month. It hasn't moved an inch.

Bly: Oh my god.

Jesse: Someone poke it with a stick!

Hardcase: I'll use the curtain rod!

Anakin: Hey! Don't hit the wall!

Rex: Why? They're already damaged beyond repair

Dogma: If that thing is alive, I'm going throw out my shoes

Anakin: Oh come on, you're taking forever to touch it with that rod! Let me just throw this random cheese puff I found at it

He throws the cheeseball, and yes, the porg comes alive and eats it

Fives: Well, you lost your shoes Dogma.

Tup: Ahhhh!!!!

Bly: OH MY GOD!!!!!

The place erupts into chaos as they all run around, trying to avoid the flying porg, who's also freaking out

Fives: Hit it!!! Hit it with the pillow!!!!

Echo: Bro you just destroyed the cardboard table!!!!

Tup: Is this thing going to eat us????

Anakin: Not if I kill it first! !!

Hardcase: Porg nuggets!

Cody: Just get that thing out the window!!!

Rex: I'm trying!

Bly: The flipping window is jammed!!

Jesse: I got it!

He jumps in the air, then kicks the glass with his boots and shatters the window

Anakin: My window! I had to steal that from Shaak Ti's she shed!!

Bly: Get the porg outta here!!!!!

Fives: I'll throw this orange at it!!!

Eventually, after more chaos, the porg finally escapes

Rex: Wow. That was...crazy

Bly: I think I almost had a heart attack.

Cody: Is this, uh, daily life with General Skywalker?

Fives: Oh, no

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