Christmas (Couple) Party

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Satine: hey guys, I'm throwing a Christmas party!

Ahsoka: yay!

Jesse: I wanna go!

Hardcase: I want to go too! They'll be tons of free food!

Maul: I guess I could go know just to plot my revenge on Kenobi and all.

Obi Wan: now he's made it his goal to prank me to death.

Anakin: can we all go!

Satine: well, there's only one exception...

Obi Wan: oh no.

Rex: here is comes.

Satine: you have to bring a date with you!

Anakin: easy.

Fives: ?!?!? Seriously?

Jesse: where are we going to get a date at?

Hardcase: yeah! I just wanted some free food.

Obi Wan: why Satine?

Satine: just cause its Christmas! The time of hope and love, come on, you can just bring some random person along.

Jesse: okay. Bye guys. I'm going outside and asking every random person out on a date until someone agrees to go with me.

Hardcase: me too!

Fives: you can't do this to me! I just wanted to spy on Rex and ahsoka, and now if I have a date they'll make fun of me!

Ahsoka: yes we can finally have our revenge after thousands of years of waiting!

Rex: yesss!!!!

Fives: nooo

Echo: I think I'm going to pass on this party.

Padme: just got here guys. What's going on?

Anakin: will you go on a date with me?

Padme: uh, sure.

Anakin: ha! Got a date! See ya at the party.

Ahsoka: hey Rex...

Rex: yes my cinnamon roll I'll go with you.

Ahsoka: yay! 💖💖💖💖

Maul: this is just crazy. No one is ever going to go on a date with a Sith lord.

Satine: oh, you'll find someone! Anyways I've got to go and tell all of the Jedi about my party!

Obi Wan: but like, they're against having relationships with someone.

Satine: I'll tell them its just one little date to a party. And it'll be so grand and they'll be a ton of food, they won't be able to refuse! Mwahahaha!!!!

Obi Wan: whatever girl. But before you leave...

Satine: yes?

Obi Wan: you know what I want to ask you. So just say yes please.

Satine: just ask me...

Obi Wan: Satine, will you go on a date with me?

Satine: yes! See you at the party!

Maul: Obi Wan's got a girlfriend! Hahaha!

Obi Wan: Maul...don't start.

On another chat

Satine: so who wants to come?

Shak Ti: let me get this straight.

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