The Coronavirus

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Ahsoka: have you guys heard?

Padme: that Anakin caught his robes on fire again? Yes

Obi Wan: yes, that was very irresponsible of him

Anakin: if I want to catch my robes on fire I have a right to!

Rex: I guess that is true. What is it Ahsoka?

Ahsoka: have you heard of the widespread sickness, the coronavirus?

General Grevious: -coughing- yes

Fives: I think he has it!

Tup: ahhh!!!

Ventress: na, he's always coughs like that. Its disturbing

Satine: yes, I've heard about that in the news the other day, along with how a monkey trapped some clones in his cage

Jesse: those clones might gave been me and Hardcase...

Hardcase: being a monkey was fun!

Rex: -facepalms-

Ahsoka: so are you all prepared? I hear that if were quarantined then we can't leave out house for weeks

Rex: eh, I've got a few supplies

Padme: me too

Fives: does a life time supply of nachos count?

Jesse: oh, I have a lifetime supply of grapes!

Obi Wan: I am prepared for whatever may happen

General Grevious: I'm already sick so I don't care if I get it

Satine: ...but then you might give it to other people!

General Grevious: who cares?

Ahsoka: it's not actaully that deadly. Most deaths are old people or those with health problems

Count Dooku: ....that's not good for me

Ventress: works for me! That way I can get rid of both Grevious and that old man!

Savage: that's kinda cruel

Maul: oh, I'm prepared! I ransacked the grocery store! I have everything from shampoo to kitcken sponges!

Savage: he really does. I could barely get in the house

Padme: kitcken sponges?

Maul: well somebody has to do the dishes

Anakin: ha! I can see Maul with a hair net and all!

Obi Wan: are you prepared Anakin?

Ahsoka: I doubt he is. I saw him on the street trying to jump into random cars

Rex: ?

Satine: what?

Anakin: it'll be a useful battle tactic when I've learned the skill of jumping into cars!

Ventress: not if your dead first

Count Dooku: seriously, Skywalker could you be more of an idiot?

Anakin: yeah, if I wanted to I could start stealing chickens from chicken houses and throwing them into bathroom stalls

Jesse: that's really disturbing

Padme: are you prepared though Anakin? No way I'm sharing my little debbie snacks with you!

Anakin: who needs to prepare? It's not like the stores are going to run out of food or something!

Obi Wan: Anakin, why dont you go take a look then?

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