Chapter Fifteen

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Thankful for all of you readers!!! In the spirit of thanks I present a new chapter! Enjoy!


Queenie pulled out a seat for Regina.  Regina shyly complied and sat down.  Queenie grinned she could sense Regina's discomfort.

"It's ok, Darling.  We are here to spoil you, right Emma?"

"Absolutely." Emma smiled placing a plate in front of Regina, and Queenie. "I figured I should probably learn how to cook lasagna.  My first attempt, so I apologize if it's not as good as yours." Emma grabbed a plate of her own and sat down and turned to Queenie, "So, I assume she accepted our offer."

"Indeed." Queenie said clapping her hands excitedly before placing the napkin on her lap.

"How is it that we are going to present ourselves out in public?" Regina wondered.

"We can take turns." Queenie said softly.

"You don't think that they're going to suspect anything?"

"If they do, we'll come forth, but for now we lay low."

"I want to see Henry." Regina said softly.

"You can soon. I still have to learn to trust you." Queenie explained. "If you behave for the next week you can see him."

Regina nodded and took a bite of her lasagna. "Mmm, delicious, Emma."

Emma blushed, "Thank you." Emma sat down next to the two. She felt incredibly lucky to have both of them as hers. "I got you both something."

"Oh?" Queenie grinned.

Emma placed a bouquet of black roses in front of Queenie and red ones in front of Regina.

Regina blushed, again. "Thank you, Emma, they're gorgeous."

Queenie got up her chair and went over to kiss Emma on the lips. "This is the first time I've ever got flowers."

Regina watched the two with a hint of jealousy, but she didn't dare complain. She just ate her food quietly.

"I think someone'a jealous." Emma told Queenie and they both looked to Regina.

"What? No, I'm fine," she said trying to sound as neutral as possible.

"You forget, Darling, I always know when you're lying."

Regina blushed and kept her mouth shut.

"Don't worry Regina, you're going to get plenty of attention." Queenie winked and placed one last kiss on Emma's lips in thanks, and sat back down next to Regina.

"So," Queenie smiled devilishly. "Shall we discuss our arrangement?"

Regina nodded. She was eager to know her place in all this.

"Well. It's simple really. We all sleep together, in the same bed. We can take turns going out on dates, but you must be discreet in public. We don't need the town talking. Sex is shared between all of us, not separately. Unless we agree it's ok."

Regina nodded, she understood. She felt a little weird thinking about having sex with her counter part, but she knew how passionate her other half was in the bedroom. She was curious enough to be ok with it. She felt like the odd ball out. She had no magic right now, and she wasn't evil. What good was she? Where did she fit in?

"I think we should show Regina how this works." Emma grinned. She was eager to get started and she knew how flustered Regina was. She could sense it.

"Hmmm, are you ok with that Regina?" Queenie asked.

"I guess so."


They all finished eating and headed to their bedroom.

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