Chapter Fourty Four

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Author's note: Apologies for the long over due  chapter!!! I have been so busy with work and my house work, etc I have not had much muse to write, but I finally found some. Enjoy!!! Thanks for reading!!!

Disclaimer: Mentions of abuse ahead.

Emma was nervous as she sat on the bed. She was playing with the edge of her shirt, twisting it around.

Regina came and sat next to her while Queenie prepared a potion for them. Regina grabbed Emma's hand and held it close on her lap, and looked at her smiling.

Emma looked at her and tried to hide her nerves with a smile.

"It's going to be fine, Emma." She hummed kissing her cheek.

Emma blushed and looked over at Regina.

"There is going to be a lot of pain isn't there?"

Regina looked at her with worried eyes, "Yes... there's a lot of pain through out the years maybe stuff you didn't want to feel."

Emma turned her head watched as Queenie continued to prepare the potion. "I want to be closer to both of you. Won't you both feel my pain as well?"

"Yes, we will, Emma." Queenie said coming over to hand Emma and Regina a vial, while keeping one for herself.

"All we have to do is drink.  Are you ready Emma?" Queenie wondered watching them both. She was prepared for Emma's pain she was about to receive. She took a deep breath.

"Wait." Emma said. "Don't you both want to know what you're getting yourselves into? Don't you want to have a conversation first?"

Queenie looked at her in disbelief.  "I want you to be happy, Emma.  Whatever you wish."

Emma got up and wrapped Queenie in a hug, and gave her a kiss. "That's the sweetest thing you ever said to me."

Regina grinned setting the vial on the table.

"I think we should talk about our pasts first?" Emma said softly setting her vial down next to Regina's.

Queenie nodded and Emma took her hand to the bed and sat in between the middle of them.

"Who wants to go first?" Emma wondered looking at both of them.

"Pretty sure you should since it's your idea." Queenie stated.

Emma took a deep breath.

"Ok.... When I was little I really didn't have anyone to turn to. I was out on the streets all the time. It was hard to find any shelter because I was too young to know where to go. I honestly don't know how I survived by myself being a young girl. I ran into Lily who I thought was my friend, and she abandoned me like everyone else. I have a lot of abandonment issues for starters. Especially from my own parents. Ok now you." She took a deep breath not realizing she was squeezing Regina's hand.

"Emma." Regina whined trying to pull her hand away.

"Oh..." Emma quickly pulled her hand back. "I'm sorry, Regina. I don't really tell that story often. There is actually way more to it than that, but I think that's all I can bare to share right now."

Queenie hummed and looked at her. "You want something from us now, hmmm? Are you sure you're ready to hear it?"

"I was willing to take the potion wasn't I? I'm ready."

"Regina, Dear. Would you like to tell it, or me?"

"I would prefer if you did." Regina said taking Emma's hand back.

Emma smiled at Regina then took her other hand in Queenie's.

Queenie smiled at Emma. "Ok, well... you may have been abandoned Emma, but sometimes that fate is better." She admitted. "Our mother was extremely abusive. Mentally and psychically.... Would you like an example?"

"If I'm going to be taking this potion I better know what I'm getting myself into...." She nodded soothing both their hands with her thumbs.

Queenie nodded, "Well, it all started when we were around 16.... Throughout our childhood I never really remembered her being quite this bad, but one day we decided to have a little fun, and just be a regular teen you know?" Queenie hummed.

"We didn't have any friends growing up on the farm. Mostly the maids, and the stable boys...." She sighed thinking of Daniel, but quickly pushed that thought away. "I had taken out Rocinante and decided to play in the creek."

She slightly squeezed Emma's hand.

"Well, I got back from the creek completely filthy. Mother just had a hissy fit."

She bowed her head.

"I'm not sure you want me to go further."

"Only if you want to." Emma said softly. She didn't want to push her any further knowing there must be a lot of pain there.

Regina sat there quietly biting her lip trying not to think about everything that was mentioned.

"I think maybe should wait until after you take the potion if the feeling comes up."

"Am I going to feel psychical pain?" Emma wondered.

"No, but the effects from the psychical pain..."

Emma nodded, "I think I understand.  I'm ready I can do this."

"Ok." Queenie said standing up, grabbing the vials and handing them back to Emma and Regina.

"Here goes nothing." Queenie said holding up her vial to cheers them before taking it.

They all cheers and drink the potion.

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