Chapter Twenty Four

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Authors note: So I reread my story and realized I have quite a few typos in some of the earlier chapters so I will be going back and fixing those. Also might be adding more to some of them to flush things out a bit. Make sure everything makes sense.

Thank you for reading, enjoy!
Queenie met Emma and Regina back at the vault with the supplies she needed to turn Emma back. She was a little hesitant because she knew Emma would have a hard time with what happened, and she actually felt guilty. That feeling never happened to her before. She knew Regina was responsible for that, but she wasn't mad at her for it.

She was also worried about what Gold needed in return from Regina.

She strode inside with the items and placed them on the table.

"I hope you're all ready. I want to get this over with." Queenie said softly and they both came out from the couch.

Regina cleared her throat and straightened her shirt.

Emma had a huge shit eating grin on her face.

Queenie shook her head, "I hope you're ready, Emma."

"I guess I am."

Just then a knock on the door sounded.

Queenie raised her eyebrow, "Anyone expecting any visitors?"

They both shook their heads and Queenie disguised herself as Regina before opening the door.


Emma turned to Regina and they fled upstairs to the bedroom.

"What can I help you with?"

"Is my daughter here?"

"I'm afraid she's not."

"Hmm, mind if I look around?"

"Actually, David. I do. I'm in the middle of something." She cleared her throat, "Now if you wouldn't mind I have a lot of work to do."

"Not much of mayor duties I presume?"

"I beg your pardon?"

"You have not been around the office in weeks. Every time I have needed to get a hold of you. You have been MIA.  My daughter came by the other day, and she left me unconscious. So tell me, Regina. Where is she?"

"I have no idea what you're talking about. So if you excuse me." She says shutting the door, but David stopped her and used all of his strength to push her out of the way and let himself in.

"I know you two have been spending more time together, and Emma hasn't been around work." He eyed the arrangement and raised an eyebrow.

"I see you improved things."

"Yes, I decided to renovate." She cleared her throat and quietly shut the door.

"What's all this?" David asked seeing the ingredients for the spell sitting on the table.

"Just a little spell I'm working on."


"Is that all David? I really do have things to do."

"I know you're not Regina."

Queenie blanked, "Excuse me? I don't understand."

"Everyone has been uncomfortable around you and you've been terrorizing the town. I've had so many complaints in the office and Emma has been nowhere in sight. Where are they?"

Queenie sighed, "Congratulations, David I really did think it would take you a lot longer to figure it out." She snapped her fingers and turned back into Queenie.

"Where are they?" He demanded.

"Relax, they're fine. I've been taking very good care of them."

"With all due respect the fact that you've been hiding them does not make me believe you."

"Emma, Regina, come down here please." Queenie smiled sweetly at David as she called for them to come down.

Hesitantly, they complied and slowly came down the stairs.

"Care to explain yourselves." He said crossing his arms.

"We're kind of in the middle of something." Regina said softly.

"Has she brainwashed you too, Regina?" He was astonished that they were wrapped around the Queen's finger so easily.

Regina looked from Queenie to David. She didn't know how to explain her love for the woman. He wouldn't understand. She also didn't know how to answer his question because while she was falling in love with her, she had also been forced into this situation and been trapped.

"That's complicated."

David sighed, "Emma, I need you to pick up this weeks shifts. There has been a lot going on ever since she's returned."

Queenie rolled her eyes. "Can I lock him up yet?" Queenie groans looking to Emma and Regina.

"I don't care what you do with him," Emma states simply.

David looked to Emma with confusion written all over her face, "What did she do to you?"

Regina just watched in panic. She had no idea how to get them all out of this mess and she still didn't have her magic to even try.

"Simply made me more powerful," she stated.

David looked to the Evil Queen in disgust, "This isn't over." He said before retreating from the vault. He needed a back up plan if he was going to fight whatever this was. He had a bad feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Queenie turned to Regina, "Secret is out, Love."

"Maybe we can just tell them the truth.  Why do we need to keep fighting?"

"Because, my Darlings," Queenie purred walking over to them with much admiration in her eyes. "They will never accept me, they won't understand our relationship, and therefor we will always be at war."

"Not if you tell them the truth, and we change Emma back. I need my powers back if I'm going to protect you and Emma."

"My sweet Regina," she hums placing a finger underneath her chin lifting her head up to look her in the eye. "You're not going to want to hurt them on my behalf."

Regina sighed, she was torn.  Everything about this was becoming a true nightmare.  "What about Henry?"

Queenie pulled back her hand, "Do explain."

"He has always given me a chance. I know he suspects something, why don't we just tell him the truth? We have an ally."

"He's going to hate me."

"At least we don't have to hide anymore and you can start trying to gain forgiveness. I know you've changed. I've felt it."

Queenie raised her eyebrow, "are you saying I've gone soft?"

"Come on Queenie," Regina pouted stepping closer to her flirtatiously.

"That isn't going to work on me."

"Whipped." Emma smirked watching the pair with glee.

Regina smiled and tugged at Queenie's dress, "Please?" She wondered getting closer to her lips. Regina seemed to have the upper hand in this moment and she was going to make sure it would stick.

"Fine," she sighed, but let's finish changing Emma back first."

"Deal," Regina smiled and kissed her softly on the lips before heading to the table for their spell.

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