Chapter Thirty Five

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Emma woke herself up with a loud moan, and she groggily opened her eyes. Confusion slowly washing over her before she realized what was happening.

She blinked rapidly, letting out another moan. Emma looked under the covers. "Queenie!!!" She gasped laying down further into the pillow to get more comfortable.

Regina blinked awake hearing Emma moan Queenie's name and she grinned. She decided she wanted to watch them quietly. So she didn't say anything.

"Q-queeeenieeeee," Emma said again, taking deep breaths. She was already close to an orgasm as she wasn't expecting to wake up like this.

Queenie didn't listen. She kept lightly lapping up Emma's wetness. She was eager to get her off after last night.

Emma gripped the sheets and shuddered out her orgasm.

Queenie grinned and wiped her mouth before crawling up to Emma. She kissed her cheek and cuddled into the crook of her neck.

Emma ran her fingers through her hair, "You're naughty." Emma yawned.

"You got left out last night."

"I was fine. I prefer to please you anyway, my Queen." Emma purred.

Regina silently watching smiled wide at Emma. She loved they way she made Queenie look. Queenie looked so innocent whenever Emma made her happy. She went over to cuddle the other side of Emma.

Emma sighed in happiness, "Mmmm, morning, Loves."

"Morning," they said in unison and both kissed her cheek.

Emma sighed happily. "I want to go back to sleep." She whined.

Queenie looked to Regina. Regina could read her mind, and nodded.

"You go back to sleep, my love." Queenie smiled, kissed her cheek and headed to the kitchen.

Emma grinned at Regina, "She's going to make me breakfast isn't she?"

"Yes," she smiled and kissed Emma's cheek.

"Mmmmm, she's the best," she replied closing her eyes.


Emma opened her eyes back up and looked at Regina, "What?"

"I want to have a town hall meeting."

"About what?"

"I think I really need to explain our relationship to everyone."

"What, Regina.... no..... they wouldn't understand."

"I'm tired of going out in public and seeing people look at us like we're trash. Especially for Queenie's sake, they still don't trust her...."

Emma sighed, "My parents don't even understand. What about Henry? We haven't talked to him for a while. We should probably explain it to him first."

"You're right. I will give him a call later."

Emma nodded and closed her eyes again.

Regina cuddled into her and did the same.

Queenie came back 20 min later and set the tray of food she made on the end table and smirked at the way Regina was curled into Emma, both back asleep.

Queenie crawled over Emma and started kissing her neck softly to try and wake her up. She purred lightly in her ear, "Emma."

Emma's eyes fluttered open and she grinned.

"Mmmmm, what did you make me?"

"French toast and bacon." She beamed

Regina stirred and opened her eyes, "Mmmm, smells good."

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