Chapter Twenty

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Regina had woken up to sounds of Queenie having an orgasm next to her, and she groaned.

Queenie turned her head to face Regina and she grinned widely when Emma appeared up to Queenie to give her a kiss.

"Someone's sleepy." Queenie cooed trailing her fingers down Emma's blonde locks as Emma nuzzled into her chest. Queenie knew exactly why Regina was so exhausted. It had been a long time since Regina had that good of sex.

"It's too early for this." Regina stated simply.

"Well, I was going to wake you up with an orgasm, but I decided to let you sleep a little longer." Queenie said as Emma started kissing her chest. It was very considerate of Queenie considering her position as the Evil Queen.

"Is this how it is every morning?" Regina wondered watching them carefully.

"No, it was a fun night and we wanted to continue." Emma said softly.

"Well, I'm spent after last night." Regina replied.

"Regina," Emma said softly, "Why don't you at least come cuddle with us?" She asked hopeful.

Queenie sensed Regina was annoyed.

"I'm going to go make breakfast. Is there anything you two want?"

"Whatever you want, Dear."

Queenie sighed as she watched Regina leave and poofed over to Regina before she could go down the stairs.

"Did you not enjoy what happened last night?"

"Queenie...." she eyed her up and down softly blushing.

"Oh!!..." She paused grinning, "You're embarrassed?"

"Queenie, I think that is a conversation for another time," Regina replied. Truth was, she just really missed Emma.

Queenie grinned and pulled her in for a hug whispering seductively in her ear. "I think someone enjoyed herself." She said before swatting her ass and walking back into the bedroom to cuddle Emma some more.

Regina stood wide eyed for a moment before she cleared her throat and headed downstairs to make breakfast. 


Emma and Queenie held hands as they walked downstairs for breakfast.

"Regina, Emma and I are going to head into town today for a date. What are you going to do?" She wondered as Regina placed the plates at the table.

Queenie and Emma took their usual seats.

"I don't know, I figured I would tidy up the place, maybe do some errands?"

"True, except for one tiny problem." Queenie sang.

"What's that?" Regina wondered.

"Just you should probably stay here. We don't want people suspecting I'm here yet."

"And why exactly are we waiting to announce that you're here? I'm pretty certain Henry suspects it, and he's noticed a change in Emma as well."

Queenie shrugged, "I just wanted to have some fun before everyone starts trying to figure out a way to kill me. Think of it as my vacation."

"Maybe if you just decided to be good you wouldn't have to worry about everyone trying to kill you." Regina said softly sitting down to eat.

Queenie huffed. "As if they are going to accept me Regina. Don't you remember how long it took for them to even see there was any good in us?"

Emma watched them carefully, eating her food quietly.

"Maybe if you hadn't turned Emma into the Dark One she would have helped you with that!!!" Regina sighed.

Queenie frowned and looked at Emma, almost apologetically. "You two had been teaming up the entire time against me. Don't act like it would be different if Emma wasn't the precious savior you all want her to be."

Emma ate her food quietly watching Regina.

"I just think if you would have given it some time she would have come around. She was already willing to spend some time with you. You had to go fuck it all up."

Queenie frowned. "So you're unhappy with our arrangement?" She wondered.

Regina sighed, "No, Queenie, I just don't want to be a prisoner here. If you want to take over Storybrooke then let's do it."

"Oh? What makes you so interested all of a sudden?" She wondered.

"I just want everyone to know our situation so I can have more freedom to do the things I need to do."

"Absolutely not." Queenie grimaced.

"So what we're just going to play out this little fantasy of yours until when?" Regina was growing frustrated.

Queenie sighed, "Ok, Emma and I are just going to go out for a few hours tonight and then you can do whatever it is you need to do, alright?" Queenie was growing soft for Regina.

Regina nodded and started to eat her food.

Queenie watched her reeling in all the words Regina had spoken. She almost felt bad for a moment.

"Do you think if they knew I was here that they would accept me? And Emma?"

"It would have been a lot easier if you hadn't turned her evil."

"I can change that....." Queenie said softly. She just wanted to make Regina happy. She was determined to fight for Regina's happiness.  Her own happiness had been conflicting the situation.  She was determined to fight for their happy ending. She was only doing what she thought she knew was right for Regina because that's all she knew.

Regina looked up at her and smiled, "Well, that would be a start...."

Queenie smiled in return, "I just have to fetch something from Gold later."

Regina nodded and got up to put her dish in the sink and kissed Queenie's cheek on the way over to the sink.


"Yes?" Regina wondered setting her dishes in the sink.

"Do you think Emma will accept me after all of this?"

"Maybe not at first, but give her some time."

"I still want that date." Queenie replied.

Regina smiled, "You and Emma have fun tonight."

Queenie smiled and went back to eating her breakfast.  Her heart felt a little lighter.

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