Chapter Thirteen

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Warning: Some sexual advances.


Emma turned on the light and walked down the stairs. Regina didn't even wake up. She was exhausted from all the emotions.

"Good morning, Regina." Emma said softly.

Regina slowly awakened and stretched. She looked up at Emma and frowned. "What do you want?"

"I wanted to try to see if you are hungry. It's been a whole day or more since you've eaten. Aren't you hungry?"

"Not really."

"Please, Regina. I don't want Queenie to get upset again."

"Ok." Regina said softly standing up. She didn't really want to eat, but she needed to get out of the darkness and the cage. She went over to the door of the cage, and Emma opened it.

"That's a good girl," Emma purred running a finger through her hair.

This hit Regina, and all the pain she felt being alone. "I miss you, Emma." Regina couldn't help herself.

"I miss you too, Regina." She took Regina's hand in hers and laced their fingers. Regina ducked her head and returned the gesture. She needed Emma even though she knew it was just an illusion.

Emma brought her up the stairs and into the new remodeled kitchen of the vault.

"Anything you want special?"

"Eggs are fine," Regina said softly.

Emma nodded and started the cooking.

"Perhaps after breakfast I can give you a bath?"

Regina rose her eyebrows. "I can bathe myself, thanks."

Emma sighed, she really missed the comfort of Regina. She loved Queenie, but there was something about Regina that she missed.

"What?" Regina asked.

"I miss being close to you."

"Don't you get enough with Queenie?"

"It's not the same Regina."

"Are you guys a couple now?"

"Yes." Emma said softly, "But she's willing to let me be with you as well."

"She is?" Regina's eyebrow rose even further. She never thought Queenie to be the sharing type.

"She knows how I feel about you."

"I thought you didn't have any feelings."

"I do when it comes to you."

Regina blushed and Emma put a plate of food in front of her.

Regina was clearly hungry she scarfed the entire plate down.

Emma smiled softly, extremely proud of herself.

"Do you want more?"

"I'm ok." Regina said quietly. She wasn't sure what to think about all of this. She was partially mad that Queenie tainted Emma for her, but she was also smiling inside because Emma's feelings for her were clearly out shinning the Dark One.

"Bath time." Emma cooed coaxing her to stand up.

She complied.

"Where is Queenie anyway?"

"She was letting us have some alone time together so she thought she'd make an appearance as you to the family."

Regina nodded, she actually missed everyone, especially Henry. She knew she wasn't going to be seeing any of them for a while. As long as they thought Queenie was her. She felt hopeless.

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