Chapter Fourteen

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Sorry for a short chapter. I should have another chapter up pretty quickly with Holiday weekend, but I didn't want to keep you guys waiting too long! Enjoy!


Queenie poofed herself down to Regina as soon as she got home. She clapped her hands and the lights turned on.

Regina was crouched in the corner of her cage.  Her eyes burned from the light after being in the dark for so long, she groaned.

"What now?"

"I have something for you." Queenie grinned.  "Come here, my Love."

Regina did as she was told and went towards Queenie.

Queenie pulled out a small box and handed it to Regina. "If you have accepted my offer this is for you."

Regina opened it and her breath caught in her throat. It was a beautiful silver necklace with a black rose pendant.

"Wear it for protection. Since your magic is currently blocked at the moment. Not until I can truly trust you, will that be returned."

"Queenie, it's beautiful."

Queenie blushed, and Regina placed a kiss on her cheek.

"Hmmm," Queenie approved of the gesture, "So does that mean you accept?"

Regina nodded.

"Wonderful," Queenie smiled and placed a small kiss on Regina's lips. "Now, maybe you'd like to have a date with Emma and I? We can discuss our arrangement."

Regina nodded shyly. Queenie grinned, and took out the necklace placing it around her neck. "You know I never wanted you to be caged." She said softly brushing her fingers lightly up against Regina's neck.

Goosebumps traveled up Regina's spine. She knew that Queenie had always wanted to take care of people. They just had to accept her as she was.

Regina didn't know what to say so instead she just nodded as Queenie finished latching the necklace. Between Queenie and Emma she was incredibly flushed.

"Soon love," She teased softly whispering in her ear.

Regina turned to try to kiss her, but Queenie backed off.

"Not until we all agree on the circumstances." Queenie warned.

Regina whimpered.

"Patience is a virtue, my love. We will be together soon enough. Now come, I think you should have dinner with Emma and I."

She smiled taking her hand and poofed them to the main part of the vault where Emma was preparing dinner.

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