Chapter Thirty Two

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I have a confession. I actually don't want to end this story!! 😅


Emma woke up and smiled goofily at the two sleeping soundly next to her. She felt extremely lucky to be in this position. Maybe she could get used to this.

Regina stirred first and her eyes fluttered open. She automatically looked to Emma.

Emma looked at her and they made eye contact. Emma leaned down and kissed her softly.

Regina bit her lip, and a slight blush played out on her face.

"That's more like it" Queenie grinned.

Regina drew circles on Emma's belly and grinned. "Morning, Queenie."

Just then David walked through the door.

Emma sat up in a panic.

"What the hell?" David wondered walking closer to the jail cell.

"How did you get in here?" Regina wondered.

"The question is how did you get in there?!" Charming snapped holding up the bottle of Regina's blood. "Your tricks won't work for you anymore as long as I have this."

Queenie got off the bed and growled, "Mind your business, David."

"Excuse me. I don't take orders from you."

Regina poofed herself on the other side of the cell, "David.... I'm in love with your daughter. We're not trying to sabotage your family. We love her." She didn't want to hide it anymore.

David scrunched his face in disgust, "I didn't think you were capable of love."

Regina's heart dropped and Emma immediately poofed beside her and took her hand.

"She's changed..... She changed Queenie. I love both of them." She said honestly.

"Even after all they did to you?"

"Yes, which is why you need to turn the townspeople away, and tell them this is over they don't have to fear Queenie. They just need to accept her."

Queenie smiled softly, almost tearing up at the comment.

"Fine, but I can't control what the town decides to do after this." If this made his daughter happy then he had to accept it. He didn't need to understand it.

Charming unlocked the cage and uncuffed Queenie using the last drop of Regina's blood, "You better hope you know what you're doing Emma."

Emma took Regina's hand and walked over to Queenie and took her hand as well. "I do."

Queenie grinned and Emma and smiled, "Charming runs in the family."

David rolled his eyes at Queenie's remark.

"Queenie, take us home?" Regina pleaded.

Queenie grinned and poofed them all home.

David was left scratching his head.


"Hmmm sorry your dad had to see us like that," Regina said looking at Emma apologetically.

"It's ok, he was going to have to see it eventually."

"Thank you, Emma." Queenie grinned leaning into kiss her softly, "I think for being a good girl there are rewards." She purred.

Emma blushed profusely. "I think that you both owe me a date first."

"That can be arranged." Queenie grinned. It would be nice to not have to hide anymore.

"Grannies?" Regina wondered.

They both nodded and headed to the cafe.

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