Chapter Thirty Seven

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Regina went to the Sheriff station as soon as she could.

"Regina, I was expecting you," David said softly.

Queenie got up from the cot and went over to the bars, "Regina!" She was really glad to see her, but frowned when she realized Emma wasn't there.

"Where is Emma?" David wondered.

"We're taking a break."

Queenie looked at Regina like she was crazy.

"What?" Both David and Queenie said at the same time.

David smiled, and Queenie frowned. "It's not worth this fight anymore."

"Regina, what did you do?" Queenie wondered.

"I gave up our relationship for her freedom."

Queenie frowned some more, but she understood Regina.

"I'm not certain that's how it works, Regina," David said softly.

"What is it you want, David?" Regina wondered.

"For her to be vanquished from Storybrooke."

"Then you're going to have to do that for both of us."

"Now that's a deal I can work with." David said gently.

Regina's heart broke for Emma. She would be ok with Queenie, but Emma wouldn't have anybody.

"And how are you going to explain this to Emma?"

"She'll get over you both in time."

Regina shot a fire ball at Charming's feet out of reflex. 

David jumped back.

Regina poofed herself in the jail cell.

"Do what you need to do." Regina said.

"We're going to have a town meeting first. So by all means stay in the cell, Regina." David rolled his eyes and sat back at his desk to enjoy his coffee.

Regina hugged Queenie and rested her head on her chest. She missed her comfort.

Regina snapped her fingers making their conversation inaudible to Charming.

"Where is Emma?"

"I don't know she probably poofed herself home after our conversation."

Queenie sighed, "You should really go sort this out Regina, I'm fine. I know everything will work out.  She needs your comfort just as much as I do."

"But I keep hurting her. I mean her parents hate us and I don't want to keep Emma from her family."

"That's not our decision, Regina. If she wants to be with us regardless of her family that is her choice."

Regina sighed she feels like she really fucked up.

"You want me to fix it?" Regina wondered.

"Yes, then I will see you both at the Town Hall meeting tomorrow." She smiled trying to be strong for them.

"It's tomorrow?" Regina wondered.

"I overheard David on the phone."

"You sure you're going to be ok? I'm afraid to leave you in here since I can't feel you."

"We will be together in no time. I promise." She kissed the top of her head and Regina wrapped her arms around her tightly.

Regina sighed and poofed herself to Emma's.

She looked around the apartment. Everything had been tossed around she could tell Emma had been upset. She started regretting her decision. She made impulsive decisions when she was hurting.

"Emma?" She said softly heading to the bedroom. She saw that it was closer.

She tried to open it but it was locked. "Emma?" She asked again knocking on her door.

No answer.

Regina's world was falling apart all around her.

She flicked her wrist toward the door handle and unlocked the door.

She slowly pushed open the door.

Regina sighed with relief when she saw Emma passed out on the bed. An empty glass of whiskey by her bed.

"Emma...." she said softly nudging her lightly.

Emma slowly woke up and frowned when she saw Regina. She sat up in bed and felt her headache coming on strong.

Regina went to her side and tried to wipe a strand of hair from her face, but Emma swatted her hand away.

"What are you doing here. Shouldn't you be saving Queenie?" Emma rolled her eyes and went to the nightstand to grab her whiskey.

"Emma, she wanted me to fix this. I'm sorry... I wasn't in the right headspace."

"Hmmm, funny." She said taking a sip from the bottle.

"That's all you have to say?"

"Look Regina, you don't need to come back here it's fine. I'm a big girl and I can handle it."

Regina stood up and went over to take the bottle from her, "Well, clearly you can't because you keep drinking yourself to death."

"I don't think it's any of your concern anymore, Regina."

"So you don't want to fix this?" Regina was extremely heartbroken the way Emma was acting it wasn't like her at all.

"I don't need anyone, ok?"

"Clearly, you do." Regina said setting the bottle on the nightstand.

"I just want to be alone, ok?" Emma sighed going to the closet to look for a pair of sweats.

Regina frowned, "There's a town meeting tomorrow, and they want to vanquish Queenie from Storybrooke. I'm going to go with her if they decide to do that." Regina stated firmly.

This angered Emma even more, "Coward."

"Excuse me?"

"You're such a coward.  You want to further abandon me and leave me here."

Regina thought she must still be drunk.

"Emma, you're not thinking clearly. Maybe clear your head and we can talk about this when you're sober." Regina said, "If you're sober in time." She said more quietly.

Emma was pacing the room now. Abandonment was fully weighted on her heart.  She was being stubborn, but she was hurt. The hurt Regina would just leave her during a time of abandonment from her parents, again. She wanted Regina to hurt. She wasn't ready to give in to her. "I need some time."

Regina understood, but she had to try one last time, "There's not much time left, Emma."

"I'll figure it out." Emma said softly.

Regina nodded and poofed herself back to Queenie.

Emma, still enraged, sat softly back down on the bed and laid back in pure emotional exhaustion.

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