Chapter Fourty Three

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Emma and Regina laughed as they walked back into the vault.

Queenie had decided to make dinner for them when they arrived. She had the entire table set up. She wanted to show them how much she did love being together.

Regina paused as she walked in and looked around. "Queenie!!" Regina smiled and ran over to Queenie giving her a hug. "What is this?"

Emma smiled awkwardly. It always threw her for a loop when Queenie did something nice. What did she want?

"I wanted to do something nice for you both." Queenie smiled sweetly, "Especially you, Emma." She hummed moving swiftly towards Emma. She put her hand underneath her chin and captured her lips.

Emma pulled back and looked deep into Queenie's eyes. "What do you want?"

"What? I'm not allowed to be nice to my girlfriends?"

Regina gave her a look.

"It's fine." Emma sat down at the table and placed her napkin in her lap.

Regina sat next to Emma and Queenie grabbed the food.

"I made spaghetti." She sat the bowl in the middle of the table and sat down. "Well, Dears. Do tell me how your date went."

"It was fine." Regina said softly taking the bowl and putting some food of her plate. She didn't want to tell Queenie if Emma didn't want to share.

Emma looked to Regina slightly. Regina gave her an approved nod and passed the bowl to Emma.

"Well, I think I made a decision."

"About what?" Queenie wondered pouring them both some red wine.

"I want to be connected to both of you."

Queenie sucked in a breath, "What?" She looked to Regina in shock.

"I think it's only fair." Regina says softly taking a sip of her wine.

"You want to give Emma all our pain and suffering?" She raised an eyebrow at Regina.

"It's the only way I can connect to you both." Emma said softly.

"Emma," Queenie said softly. "There is a lot you don't understand about our past."

"But I want to understand."

Queenie just nodded and took a sip of her wine.

Regina dapper her lips with her napkin. "So... we all agree then?"

Queenie sat her glass down. She understood why Emma wanted it, but it took them years to finally come to terms with all the abuse that occurred over the years. "As long as Emma realizes what she's getting herself into."

"I do." Emma said quickly.

Regina and Queenie shared a look.

"Then we will do the ritual after dinner."

Emma nodded and took a sip of her drink. 

Regina took a bit of her food. The table grew silent for a while.

"So is there anything I should be warned about?"

Queenie looked up from her food and to Regina.

Regina cleared her throat.

"Well..... I'm assuming you want to know about our trauma?"

Emma nodded.

Queenie took another sip of wine waiting for Regina to continue.

"Our mother was very abusive, Emma."

"I mean.... I pretty much knew that."

"Psychically, and mentally."


"You might feel quite a bit of pain when we connect ourselves, Emma." Regina took her hand underneath the table.

"Is there anything else?"

Queenie eyed Regina for reassurance and Regina nodded in approval.

"Well, if you'd like to talk about the rapes at dinner."

Emma went wide eyed and squeezed Regina's hand lightly.

Regina's watched Emma's mind turning.

"I'm sorry that happened to you both.... But I still think I can handle it."

"Okay." Queenie hummed and took a sip of her drink.

Emma looked to Regina with a sorry look on her face. Regina leaned over and kissed her cheek. "You'll be ok. We will be here for you." Regina smiled.

Queenie nodded and stayed silent. Regina was definitely the stronger one when it came to this stuff.  

Emma was ready. "Can we get this thing over with?" Emma wondered as she set down her fork finishing her food.

"You got it." Queenie said chugging the rest of her wine and clearing the table.

It was going to be an interesting night for them all.

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