Chapter Five

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Emma and Regina had gone back to Regina's mansion waiting impatiently for the return of Emma's heart. They stopped at Regina's doorstep and she turned to face Emma.

"Do you feel any different?"

"Not really, no." Emma replied etching concern all over her face.

"Maybe it's a fluke." Regina laughed and opened the door.

Emma didn't find it funny.

When the door opened they were greeted by who they feared the most.

"Queenie." They said in unison gasping at the horror in front of them.

Emma immediately took a step back when penetrated eyes greeted hers.

"I came to deliver your heart." Queenie grinned as though she was being incredibly kind, "But before that happens, why don't you both join me for a drink?"

"Absolutely not, Queenie. A deal is a deal." Regina replied.

"You made a deal with Rumple, not me. He just was able to coax me into bringing the heart back to the precious Savior." She purred petting the box with Emma's heart in it.

Regina rolled her eyes and looked back at Emma for agreement, Emma nodded. "Fine, one drink."

The Queen grinned seductively, eyes danced over the both of them. Emma moved even closer to Regina.

"You guys are so cute together. If only you'd figure out your feelings for one another, already. It's exhausting." Queenie bit her lip, almost jealous of their affection. She knew she would have a chance in time.

Queenie headed to the kitchen to pour the glasses of wine and Emma, and Regina followed. Emma instinctively grabbed Regina's hand for the needed comfort.

Regina turned to Emma, cheeks blushing, but she returned the comfort back, slightly squeezing Emma's hand to reassure her she would protect her.

The Queen sat the box which contained Emma's heart gently on the counter. "Now, that I have you both here, and Emma has agreed to taking the potion. There are matters that need to be discussed." She grinned pouring them each glasses of her favorite blood red wine.

She turned to look at the pair and giggled when she noticed Emma and Regina holding hands. They immediately pulled apart, "Oh, you guys don't have to be afraid of your affection in front of little ol' me!" She grinned grabbing two of the glasses and handing one to each.

"Queenie, shut up and tell us what you want us to hear so Emma can get her heart back."

"I want to know what was in that potion." Emma blurted.

The Queen smiled devilishly and lifted her glass to her lips.

"Once your heart is returned to you the magic will take its rightful place." Queenie's eyes darkened in excitement . "Are you sure you still want it back?!"

Regina's heart started beating faster. She knew she was growing weaker by the second. Emma could sense her uneasiness and took her hand again. She didn't care that Queenie was watching them. They were just friends that cared deeply for one another.

Regina shot her a look, but accepted the gesture.

Queenie noticed the exchange between the two and frowned, she was incredibly jealous. "I need an answer, Darlings."

Emma looked to Regina, "I don't need it, Regina."

"Emma, you don't understand the power she has over you with the possession of your heart. Are you willing to risk that?!"

"I don't know, but I certainly do not want to find out what that potion was I drank."

They were both in between a rock and a hard place. They both took a sip of their wine at the same time.

Regina sighed, "It's your decision."

Emma looked concerned, but then addressed Queenie, "I don't need it."

Queenie huffed, she hadn't seen this one coming, "If you ever change your mind, Dear. You know where to find me." The Queen smiled and before either of them could respond she was gone taking the precious container with her.

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