"What the hell does that mean? Are you saying I'm not good enough for her?"

"That's exactly what I'm saying."

I grab Sam's shirt and shove him up against the wall.

"Sam, did you forget who you are? You're the same way I am. You're a player. You can't be with Alyssa either. You'll just break her heart."

Sam grabs my hands and pushes me away.

"Yeah but there's a difference between us Jack. You can't change your ways, and I can. I can be the guy that Alyssa needs."

"How the fuck do you know that? How do you know what she wants?"

"All I know is that she doesn't want you" Sam says as he slams me up against the wall.

"Dude seriously, what the hell is your problem?" I said shoving Sam off of me.

*Alyssa's POV*

I walk into the living room and I see Sam and Jack arguing back and forth. Oh god, are they fighting over me? What the hell is going on? I have to find someone to break this up.

"Johnson!?!? Nate?!?" I yell trying to find them.
I run downstairs and see Johnson and Jess making out on the couch.

"Sorry to break up your little make out session, but Jack and Sam are fighting upstairs."

"Fighting? Why the hell are they fighting?" Johnson asks.

"Can you please just help?" I ask getting pissed off.

I drag Johnson upstairs. Jess follows behind us.

"What the hell is going on in here guys?" Johnson asks.

He sees Jack holding Sam up against the wall.

"Oh, I guess Sam told you about his feelings for Alyssa" Johnson says to Gilinsky.

"WHAT?" Jack yells.

"Really JJ? We didn't really get to that part yet, but thanks for speeding things up" Sam says.

"SO IT IS TRUE?" Jack says angrily.

"Well, yeah but..." Sam starts to say.

Jack punches Sam in the face. He lets him go and then Sam slides down the wall until he's on the ground.

"Ok, I guess I deserved that one" Sam says standing up.

"JACK, WHAT THE HELL WAS THAT FOR?" I ask walking into the room.

"Alyssa, I can explain" Jack says.

"Save it" I say shoving past him to help Sam.

Jack and Sam didn't even realize that I was standing there trying to get them to stop fighting. I heard small parts of their argument and they all included a "she" or "her". I'm so confused right now.

"Jack are you always like this? Because if this is what you're like then I think you need to just leave right now" I said as I angrily pointed to the door.


He slams the door on his way out.

I grab Sam's hand and lead him into the kitchen. He hops up onto the counter.

"Do I attract psychos or something?" I ask Sam as I toss him an icepack.

"Come here" Sam says.

I walk over to Sam and he wraps his arms around me.

"Jack just isn't used to the whole "relationship thing". He's not good at being good. Does that make sense? Well, I mean I'm sure it doesn't now, but just give it s couple of days. You'll see what I'm talking about" Sam says.

"I thought he had been in a relationship with his ex for like a year? And I still have no idea what you're talking about. You're just confusing me even more" I say wiping tears away.

I didn't even realize that I was crying.

"Well yeah but that doesn't mean he didn't suck at being in that relationship. And I'm sorry, just forget I even said anything" Sam says.

"I just don't get how he can be with the same girl for almost a year but he can't even last a day with me. Is it me? Is there something I'm doing wrong?" I ask as I begin to cry even harder.

"No, Alyssa. Of course it's not you, you haven't done anything wrong" Sam says pulling me closer.

"I'm just gonna go home. I don't feel good."

"Ok, I'll come with you" Sam says.

"Ok, but I'm driving."

"Ok" Sam says as he tosses me his keys.

"Wait, isn't this your party? Don't you think you should stay?"

"Nah, Nate can handle it. I'll help him clean up tomorrow."

"Ok then, let's go."

I grab Sam's hand and we walk to his car. He's still holding the ice pack up against his face.
As soon as I started the car, I turned up the radio right away. I was trying to avoid an awkward conversation. Sam's turns down the radio and looks at me. Shit.

"How long were you standing in the living room for?"

"Uh... I don't know, why?"

"I know you heard what we were talking about."

"Sam, I don't want to talk about this right now, ok? I just want to go home and go to sleep."

"Alright fine, but we're going to have to talk about it eventually."

"As long as we don't have to talk about it right now, then I don't care."

I turn the radio back up and the rest of the car ride is silent.
We pull up to my house and walk in.

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