Chapter 40 - Intermission part 1

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"The teams that progress to the final round are..." Present Mic states dramatically from the announcers booth "In first place Team Midoriya; with Midoriya Izumi, Todoroki Shouto, Uraraka Ochako, and Tokoyami Fumikage!" Pausing to let the crowd cheer for a moment before continuing "In second place is Team Yakumo; with Yakumo Akumu, Shinsou Hitoshi, Setsuno Himiko, and Monoma Neito?! Whoa! When did that happen?!"

"While you were busy cheering on Team Midoriya and Team Hatsume." Aizawa drawled before adding "On that note, in third place is team Hatsume; containing Hatsume Mei, Iida Tenya, Yaoyorozu Momo, and Kaminari Denki."

Present Mic then finished with gusto "And fourth and final team to make it to the finals is Team Bakugou; made up of Bakugou Katsuki, Kirishima Eijirou, Sero Hanta, and Ashido Mina!"

Bakugou's swearing was heard in the background as the voice hero commented "A lot of your students made it into the finals Eraser."

"Of course." the underground hero stated blankly "I don't keep students that don't have potential and do their best, it's illogical and a waste of time and resources. Better to remove poor students early and replace them with better ones that couldn't pass the practical test due to its bias for physical quirks and ended up in general studies as a result."

A handful of heroes in the stands booed him at that only for the man to snap back "If any of those booing are pros I have to remind you that our job is not a game nor can we do it lazily. If I let a student who has such qualities reach our level that's a recipe for disaster and all of you know it. If you can't see that then kindly leave and don't come back because we don't need someone so selfish and callous here and corrupting our students with your childish and idiotic manner of thinking."

From his spot in the stands Hisashi laughs and turns to his wife. "Have I mentioned how much I love Izumi's homeroom teacher? Because he's amazing."

The woman giggled and replied "I agree. He's also an amazing hero in his own right too, though you wouldn't know it given his being an underground hero and hatred of being in the limelight."

The group stand up to stretch their legs and go meet up with their respective kids during the intermission Present Mic then calls between this task and the next one: a tournament that will end up pitting the teens against one another.


"Mama!" comes an excited yell before a white and pink blur crashed into Izumi's legs, revealing itself to be a cute little girl with long white hair in a cute pink dress with a small horn growing from her left temple.

"Hello Eri." says the greenette as she bends down and picks the girl up to rest her on her hip. "Have you been enjoying the show so far?"

As the 5 year old nods and starts rambling excitedly about the Festival so far, her classmates watching with surprised and fond expressions, a tall brunette with a black medical mask over his face runs around the corner before relaxing once his gold eyes fall on the girl in Izumi's arms. "I should have known..." the man mutters as he shakes his head and walks up, earning a fond smirk from the quirkless girl "She ran off on you to find me, didn't she?"

At his sigh she chuckles and turns her gaze to the equally amused girl in her arms, saying teasingly "Careful sweetheart, keep this up and you'll give your father grey hairs."
The brunette snorts, now directly in front of Izumi, and wraps his arms gently around her waist in a loose embrace with his chin resting atop her head. "Nice work so far, I'm looking forward to seeing your battles coming up."

The greenette smiles and backs up to look what is clearly her fiance in the eye. "Thanks. And speaking of the battles-" the teen uses her free hand to grab the chain around her neck and falling into her cleavage and lifts it over her head to hand it to the brunette. "Would you mind watching this for me, I don't want to lose or break it in a fight."

The man tilts his head and closes his eyes the was Izumi does to show she's smiling in her hero costume - so that's where she gets the action - and accepts the offer. After placing the girl's engagement ring in the pocket of his fur lined green hoodie the man turns his gaze to the other teens curiously. Izumi notices the stares between her classmates and fiance and jolts before introducing them.

"Everyone this is my fiance Chisaki Kai and his daughter Eri. Kai, Eri these are my classmates in 1A."

"Nice to meet you." Kai states as his daughter chirps out an excited "Hello!"

Mina, whose been frothing at the mouth over her classmate's mysterious fiance, is the first to react. She races up and bounces with excitement as she takes the two in, staring at Eri as she coos "Aww! You're even cuter than your pictures!" earning a flush and shy smile from the red eyed girl that grows when the pink girl adds excitedly "And look! We're horn buddies!"

That comment opens the floodgates for the other heroes in training, many of them asking their own questions or introducing themselves to the pair personally. As they did, Kai doing his best to hide his discomfort at having his personal bubble a bit more trespassed than he'd typically allow, a pair of tired dark eyes fixed the man from the hall on the other side of the room. Eyes which the brunette and his wife-to-be had very quickly noticed.

"Did you need something Aizawa-sensei?" Izumi asked, startling her fellow teens. The Teacher in question nodded "I was planning on talking to your fiance at some point today if I could, we can meet later if you're busy?"

Gold eyes blinked before the tension in the man's shoulders eased minutely "I can talk now." Glancing at Izumi Kai states "I'll be back afterwards to fetch Eri." before turning to address his daughter with a warning of "Be good for your mother."

Kai and Eraserhead walked for a few moments in silence until they were far enough away that they were certain the teens couldn't overhear them. "So." said the hero, giving the brunette a once over "You're my student's fiance."

"I am."

The two stare each other down before the raven haired, older man asks "I'm hoping Midoriya is right about you, because if I hear you've done anything to her or broken her heart I can promise you that no one will be able to find your body when I'm done with you. Understood?"

To Aizawa's surprise the brunette snorted, almost fond as he admits wryly "You'd have to get to me before her mother does first. And trust me when I say I'd sooner rip my own heart out than willingly hurt Izumi."


After a few moments of silence the underground hero moves to leave, pausing to add a quick "Don't tell my class what we talked about."

"Wasn't planning on it."

With a nod the hero left, leaving a bemused yakuza boss alone in the hallway. He was totally telling Izumi that their teacher gave him a shovel talk.

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