Chapter 42 - Preliminaries

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"Here we are at our first match of the day! The quirkless girl showing everyone what she's made of Midoriya Izumi vs the mysterious master of nightmares Yakumo Akumu!"

The crowd went wild at that, cheering loudly with excitement for the no doubt exciting battle to come. Though they were pale in comparison to the calls Izumi's father was shouting in the stands, which had she not gotten used to by the cavalry battle would be beyond embarrassing. Not far from her father sat her mother, fiance, Eri, and big brothers cheering at a far more reasonable volume.

And in the back of that same section sat Kurogiri, holding a sign with his mist that was showing support for both of them. The bartender really was such a mom, Izumi mused before returning her gaze to her opponent and friend. Akumu's ever-changing assortment of glowing inhuman eyes and toothy mouths returned the gaze with notable nerves, though she doubted the crowd could tell that the constant shifting of their features meant they were nervous.

The moment Midnight calls for the match to begin the eldritch teen grows several mouths on their person and puffs out massive clouds, dark and full of shimmering and ever shifting lights like a nebula, engulfing the entire arena they're fighting in. While the crowd are confused Aizawa explains what's going on "That is decidedly not good for Midoriya. Yakumo's quirk, Nightmare Realm, allows them to trap those caught in their clouds in a pocket dimension filled with their own worst nightmares. According to their files none who've been caught in the quirk so far have ever managed to escape it on their own."

While those spectating mutter amongst themselves Akumu stands at the edge of the cloud and ring, gaze fixed on the happenings inside that only they and Izumi can see as they wait to see what she'll do. The eldritch teen and crowd are shocked when a fist leaves the cloud and lands square in the cloud-like student's gut, senting them falling out of bounds. Akumu disappates the nightmare cloud to reveal the green haired girl, panting heavily and eyes wide as adrenaline courses through her veins.

Akumu laughs. "You got out! You actually faced your fears and charged forwards to hit me despite how much what you saw hurt and terrified you! Congrats! Most just pass out or freeze, and nearly all who had to face fears like yours went mad with terror, but you persevered and managed to beat them and myself!"

Izumi shares a shaky smile with the several on the eldritch teen's cloud-like visage as they leave the arena together, Midnight and the others calling her victory. As they're walking the greenette glances at her loved ones in the stands and sighs in relief, not surprising those sitting there as they could guess what her greatest fear would be. The quirkless girl, despite being the princess of the criminal underworld, was too caring a person for her loved ones suffering to not be the answer.

Kai isn't sure he wants to know what specifically she saw done to them all in that nightmare vision. A quick glance at his future in-laws tells him they feel the same. But as he runs his fingers through his daughter's hair to calm himself down the Yakuza boss resolves to ask her later anyways.

His wife shouldn't carry a weight like that alone.


Soon enough the next match was starting, Kaminari Denki vs Shinsou Hitoshi. From his seat in the stands Shin had a massive grin on his face, he knew exactly how this match was going to go and it wasn't looking good for the blonde. The moment he responded to anything Hitoshi said, and he would respond, it was all over.

Denki meanwhile is excited for the fight. He has a beaming grin on his face as he brags "Sorry about this man. You've got some pretty rotten luck facing me right off the bat but don't worry,I'll go easy on ya."

Hitoshi doesn't respond, merely narrows his tired purple eyes and takes a relaxing breath. The moment Midnight calls the battle though he opens his mouth and says "You know, I was considering trying my hand at fighting you seriously to give you a chance... But with what you just said? Well..." A vicious grin stretches the taller, lilac haired teen's usually neutral face as he finishes "I guess I shouldn't have expected better from an idiot whose had his brain fried one too many times by his quirk."

The blonde bristles at that, static arching off him as he snaps "The hell did you just say! You take that back you-"

As Denki freezes on the spot, face going blank, Hitoshi chuckles. "Good job. Now turn around and walk out of bounds."

From his place in the stands Shin chuckles and smiles proudly. The brainwasher's come a long way since he started training him. "Nice job little brother."

When said teen locks gazes with him and beams, as though hearing said praise, the yakuza decides "Fuck it" and stands up to cheer so the teen can hear it. The look of joy and embarrassment on his face are totally worth whatever ribbing his coworkers will give him later for acting so improper.


The next match was over just as quickly as Shinsou's. Setsuno Himiko vs Sero Hanta was a match up that was very much an obvious conclusion. At least, it is to those who know the two.

The fight's over quick because A: Sero is reluctant to hurt a girl, which she abuses thoroughly. And B: She is a hand-to-hand BEAST who can use her quirk to erase herself from perception if she holds her breath, blanks her mind, and his eyes leave her for even a moment.

Toya's pride at his daughter's win, obvious though it was, makes Fuyumi giggle.


Uraraka Ochako vs Bakugou Katsuki is the next fight. It goes... As well as can be expected. Ochako tried her best, getting damn close to a win against her literally explosive opponent, but in the end he was just far to skilled and strong an opponent for her.

Though his compliments to her after the match, tsundere though they are, are a pleasant surprise to the brunette and her friends. Izumi was glad to know her once friend was getting better at being nice to others. There's hope for Kacchan yet.


Iida Tenya vs Hatsume Mei was another odd match.

For one thing Mei had tricked the speedster into being more or less a model for her inventions. For another she spent the entire time showing off not just her babies' abilities and looks but Tenya's as well. The end result, when she forfeited despite having the blue haired boy trapped and helpless in a net, was a very confused and flustered Iida.

"What... What just happened?" Tenya muttered, red faced, as the pink haired inventor freed him from capture at the press of a button and sauntered off with a wink. Midnight snorted and muttered out a fond "Oh you precious cinnamon roll you. If you can't figure that out on your own you need to have a chat with Tensei, cause your parents obviously dropped that ball."

"I don't-" the engine quirked boy stopped himself and left, deciding to leave it for now. He'll work it out later.


After Yaoyorozu and Tokoyami's match came Todoroki Shouto vs Ashido Mina.

The fight was surprisingly even, though the pink girl wore out much faster than Shouto did. She forfeited upon reaching her limit, satisfied that she lasted so long against an opponent so much stronger than her. When he saw his old man fuming in anger in the stands at his having trouble with Mina, despite using his fire, the bicolor boy was torn between worry and satisfaction.

He settled on the latter.


Monoma Neito vs Kirishima Eijirou was an interesting match.

It was at a standstill for a while, thanks to Monoma being able to outsmart Kirishima. But the blonde's hubris eventually did him in. He paused to taunt the redhead and ended up leaving himself open for a very hard hit to the gut.

From his place watching in the stands Tetsutetsu is torn... On one hand Neito is his classmate, meaning he should be mourning his loss. But on the other Kirishima is totally manly about his win and has a quirk like his own, so he feels excited knowing he has a potential bro in the 1A class member.

It also doesn't hurt that the redhead is very very cute and Monoma is very very annoying.

The heavy metal teen settles on cheering for both. He'll work out the rest of his feelings later. For now there's fights to watch.

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