Chapter 25 - Training montage!

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Training under Kai and his men was an experience. Dabi joined them on occasion when he was restless and Inko was busy tending the bar with Kurogiri. Well, when he wasn't bothering Tomura instead. The pyrokinetic had become unusually fond of riling up the decay user since the moment they met. Izumi and Himiko thought it was cute.

The pale blue haired teen being messed with found it distinctly less cute.

Joi or Mimic, as the girls had come to learn his alias, mostly taught the girls math and business skills. Himiko learned the most out of his lessons, Izumi having already been taught quite a bit about both from her parents, but the greenette did appreciate his refresher and little tips in each lesson. The man, whether in his puppet form or his original body, had also taught them some very useful tricks for escape or hiding.

Going under the radar was useful for Himiko as she intended on being an underground hero or spy for whatever agency she joined in the future. And with her shapeshifting quirk it was very easy for her to do so if she tried, though she would have to get in the habit of carrying emergency blood vials to make quick identity changes. (There had to be a better way to store blood than those, but she couldn't think of one at the moment.) It was while training this skill that Izumi noticed a secondary ability of the blonde's, her ability to disappear from one's view.

If Himiko held her breath and blanked her mind she literally disappears from one's range of perception once they take their eyes off her, even for a moment. The second one's eyes move away from her while this ability is active she is unable to be seen or heard, even if she moves back into view or speaks.

That was a fun discovery.


Hari was a fun teacher for the girls. For one he was good at adding helpful tips for their stealth lessons, like how most people didn't look up when looking for someone. That giant blind spot people have 60 degrees up from their line of sight could and should be exploited like crazy. He also preached unusual habits to throw people off when they meet you, like sitting on top of furniture not meant for sitting or words that seem contradictory to how one perceives you based on your appearance.

No one expects a girl as sweet looking as Izumi to swear and be rude, or a girl as loud and expressively dressed as Himiko to play shy and quiet.

But mostly the teens just followed the man on city outings where he taught them parkour. The girls already had some skills on this front, the blonde from during her days on the streets and the greenette from her days of hero watching and running from bullies. But the sheer amount of improvement they made on those rusty skills under the silver haired man was impressive.

The man's quirk also allowed for them to train in fighting against an opponent who effects your speed or movement. Or, in theory, one faster than them. A skill Deidoro ("Call me Sakaki kid, Deidoro-sensei makes me feel old.") expanded on with his sloshed quirk, so they could get used to fighting while under the influence of a substance - in this case alcohol. His lessons stopping once the others realized he'd use this as an excuse to drink with the girls, expanding their knowledge of various drinks and upping their alcohol tolerance. Kurogiri was the most upset with him of everyone, to everyone's surprise, cowing the dark haired yakuza like a child for "corrupting his girls."

From that point on the drunk stayed under the strict supervision of the misty bartender, returning the teens' lessons to Hari's far more responsible hands.

With just how much fun the girls had with the time quirk user, and his playful behavior that he shows only with them - and to an extent the other yakuza - in private the teens quickly came to view the man as a second older brother. (Tomura being the first.) The first time Izumi and Himiko called him Hari-nii he may have cried a bit, not that he would ever admit that to his coworkers. Ever. Even under threat of death. Though he did openly refer to the girls as his younger sisters from then on.

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