Chapter 15 - Confrontation

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Something's been up with Deku and Katsuki wants to know what.

The blonde had been trying to catch the nerd alone for weeks now, sick of her cheerful bullshit and eager to put her back in her place, but any time he tries the side characters in this school get in his fucking way. It's really starting to piss him off!

Since when did these extras think it was their place to judge him?!

As the days passed though Katsuki started to notice something interesting about Deku's new schedule...

Every day the quirkless wonder was picked up by the same fancy car by some dude in a white outfit with arrows for hair. More often than not there was another man waiting with him that the green haired girl would smile at with that stupid fucking smile of hers and chat with all buddy buddy. It made him want to throw up just looking at that kiss-ass!

But after a few days of this the boy noticed that the second man was never the same person two days in a row.

One day it was a huge super buff dude that looked like he barely fit in the damn car. The next it was some guy with a wide as fuck toothy grin and bug eyes. Then some stuck up dick with glasses. And then a blonde with an emo haircut. Then a different buff dude with long wavy hair. Then a bald guy with creepy eyes. Then that weirdo with the long black hair that was drinking sake as he waited straight out of the bottle. Then it was a dude with spiky hair that kept his eyes closed and was wearing a fucking kimono of all things. Or that tall fuck with the spiky hair and scruffy face that dressed like a business man.

More often than not it was the brunette with the medical mask on his face.

Katsuki had seen that man at their building a lot, coming in and out of shitty Deku's house. Sometimes he'd have a kid with him. Sometimes he'd take the nerd out somewhere. The teen didn't know where exactly but he had a suspicion. It probably wasn't true, given his surety that Auntie Inko would've skinned all those assholes alive already if they'd so much as thought about it.

...But it would work well as a way to keep Deku out of UA. They wouldn't accept a kid with a record after all.

As the blonde left for school early, eager to get his new plan in motion he smirked. That nerd didn't know it, but what he was doing was for her own good.


Izumi had no idea what happened, but for some reason the people at school were being weird.

The girls she passed would sneer at her or giggle and wave mockingly, the male students would point at her and smirk or wink for some reason, and all of the teachers looked at her with this vaguely disgusted and disappointed look. Even when everyone bullied or avoided her as though her quirklessness was somehow contagious they had never acted this strange, so what gives?

The teen's confusion only grew as her homeroom teacher, who had been kind to her ever since she'd gotten her job, looked at her with open disdain as he coldly told her that she was to go to the Principals office immediately. Izumi's classmates giggled at that, whispering amongst themselves gleefully as she left. The walk to the office was silent and anxious, leaving the greenette a ball of raw nerves as she finally reached her destination.

"You wanted to see me Sir?" the teen asked quietly as she entered the room, freezing like a deer in the headlights as she took in its occupants.

"Midoriya..." the old man stated seriously as he motioned for his guests to move. Said guests were police officers, which flanked the greenette on either side. "Your employment has come to our attention due to the actions of a friend and classmate of yours. As you should know such acts are frowned upon in this school."

Izumi's confusion grew exponentially as one of the officers slipped handcuffs on her as the man continued. "Now, you'll go with them down to the station and pay for what you've done. If you're smart you'll admit what you did and name your clients and boss when you're there, it'll make things easier on you."

"I don't understand... What's going on?" she asked with a watery voice, eyes tearing up as she was dragged out by the firm grip on her shoulder. "What did I do wrong? I don't understand what's happening!"

As she was dragged out sobbing and asking what was happening over and over, never once receiving an answer, a pair of blood red eyes watched from the window with open satisfaction. From his seat Katsuki smirked smugly. 'I guess she's not going to be a hero after all. How sad for her... Not! The dweeb will thank me some day, once she realizes it's for her own good.'

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