Chapter 32 - The Battle Trial!

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"I am..." Izumi gasped, excitement overtaking her features as she stared intently at the door just in time to see the speaker enter with a yell of "Coming through the door like a normal person!"

"Ah! That's All Might!"

"You mean he's actually a teacher this year?!"

"So cool!"

"Is that his silver age costume?!"

"So retro!"

While her classmates babbled excitedly the greenette beamed, taking in the blonde hero's appearance and attitude in silence. She still admired and respected the number one hero, an entire life of hero worship being hard to completely give up, but her knowledge of what he did to her father had tempered that admiration greatly. Gone was the shrine to the hero that took up her room (though a few plushies and posters still remained) and in their place came gifts from her family, friends, and coworkers.

There were some videogame based plushies and knick-knacks from Tomura that had made their home on her desk, a small collection of knives and daggers that went onto a wall display above that courtesy of Himiko, a katana she's unlikely to use but appreciates all the same from Toya displayed proudly on top of her dresser, some weights and other workout equipment from Rappa and Rikiya that she usually left next to her closet, some photos of her and everyone pinned on a cork-board on the wall next to her bed, and a bunch of gifts from Kai scattered around in the remaining free spaces. Flowers, jewelry, a box of chocolates that were fancy and expensive that she was taking her time eating to avoid him buying her another one for at least another month (a habit she adopted quickly when she realized that otherwise she'd receive a replacement box every other day), and a few photos of himself and Eri that she'd decided to frame rather than add to her wall.

The quirkless girl smiled at the hero's explanation of their class today, Battle Training, and excited announcement of their hero costumes. Grabbing her costume and following the other girls to get changed she opened the case and sighed in relief, it was exactly as she requested save for one piece. A piece which she opened her backpack to retrieve, having designed and built it herself.

As she undressed to put on the mostly black attire of her costume a squeal of "Oh my god, is that an engagement ring?!" from Mina, who was changing next to her had all eyes on her. The greenette followed the pink girl's golden eyes to the elegant diamond and emerald adorned band hanging around her neck, earning a soft smile "Yeah... I've been engaged for a while now, on paper anyways. But he gave me this on the day I got my acceptance letter as a gift."

While the other girls cooed over her engagement ring and asked about the greenette's fiance, her answers about Kai just a little smug, Izumi was grateful that no one focused on the burn scar taking up her arm at all beyond a single statement from Mina that it looked pretty awesome. Which yeah, it kind of did look awesome.

"Ah! Izumi your costume looks so cool!" Ochako said as they left to join the boys before looking down at her own costume self-consciously. "Mine though... I really should've specified what I wanted, this is pretty form-fitting."

And it was. Aside from her poofy white and pink boots and bracelets the entire costume was skin tight. Scanning the black and pink body suit and slightly poofy belt around her waist with analytical green eyes the freckled girl shrugged. "They were probably trying to ensure your costume wasn't too heavy or detrimental to your use of zero gravity by getting in the way. It looks cute though, Himiko'll be jealous."

The brunette beamed, before raising a brow as her friend slips a mask onto her face just before they enter the sunlight the rest of their class are meeting All Might under at the end of the hall. Izumi's costume was all black, much like her mother's attire as Ebon Pull, but styled very differently. She was wearing a black button up and sweater vest with a black suit skirt that had a slit up one side for ease of movement. Under that were thigh high black socks, black knee pads and elbow pads, a pair of black fingerless gloves with a metal plate on the back of the hands, and a pair of black combat boots. Over top of this (hiding the elbow pads and sleeves of her shirt) was a baggy black hoodie with a fur trim on the hood, which she kept down, and left open and unzipped.

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