Chapter 28 - Entrance Exam

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The day of the entrance exam was calm and lovely. The skies were a clear blue, the sakura trees in the city were full of soon to bloom pink buds, and the early spring air - while still chilled - was not cold enough anymore to warrant a coat. The tranquil atmosphere was hard for the girls to take in however, as they were running full sprint to their destination. The teens were weaving through commuters with well practiced, almost natural, ease despite their speed; their bodies filled to the brim with panicked adrenaline.

"I cannot believe we slept in so late! Of all the days this had to happen it had to be this one, didn't it?!" Izumi griped as the bolted towards Yuuei at her full speed. Keeping pace next to her Himiko panted out "Less talk, more run!"

The blonde couldn't believe they were so close to being late! They were never late!

As the gate to their destination approached the girls prepared to make a sharp turn into it. In their haste to make it on time the pair had paid far less attention than usual, taking the turn far quicker and sharper than they probably should've, and ended up barreling into a student that was directly around the corner there. Izumi, Himiko, and the taller pink haired girl they collided with all went face-planting into the path together, sending the stack of papers in the latter's hands flying as they did.

"Oh my god, I am SO sorry!" Izumi blurted out immediately, scrambling to gather the fallen teen's scattered papers while Himiko helped her back to her feet. "We were so worried about being late that we weren't paying attention and turned the corner full sprint and-" The greenette paused in her rant abruptly as she noticed exactly what was on the papers she was handing back to the pinkette, who looked more surprised than upset by her being tackled be the duo. "Is this jet-pack based off Buster Hero: Air Jet's quirk? And these other designs are amazing! Did you design these yourself?!"

"You like my babies?!" The girl asked, odd yellow eyes sparkling with excitement as she walked with the girls up to the school. At the greenette's nod the excitable inventor squealed with delight "It's so nice to have someone give my work the attention it deserves! And the jet-pack is modeled after Air Jet!" Grasping Izumi's hand in her own the taller girls asks "Are you applying for support course too?!"

"Heroics and Gen Ed, but I do have some experience designing myself. We could meet after Exams and swap ideas if you want?"

The other girl nodded so quickly Himiko was surprised her head was still attached. "I'm Hatsume Mei!"

"Midoriya Izumi, and this is my friend Setsuno Himiko." The blonde waved at the eccentric girl, a fond smile on her face. Leave it to Izumi to make a friend before they've even taken the exams. The vampiric teen pointed out "We should probably hurry if we plan on making it to all our exams." Jolting the pair of nerds out of their excited ramblings to each other.

"Right!" Mei exclaimed before bolting off to find the Support Department, a call of "I'll wait for you by the gate!" being the last they hear from her before she's gone from sight.

"She was nice!" the quirkless teen states with a fond smile "I hope everyone here's that nice!"

Himiko snorted and led her bestie in the opposite direction to where their written exams were being held. "C'mon Izu, we really don't want to be late."


First for the pair was the written exam for the Hero Course. Which Himiko will admit that she likely would have failed had she taken it before her schooling with the Midoriyas. The blonde had easily learned more in a few months under Sensei than her many years in public school combined. The blood quirked girl would even go so far as to say these questions were too easy... Though considering that Hero course probably prioritizes physical skill and strong quirks to smarts that wasn't much of a surprise.

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