Chapter 37 - Tournament Arc!

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Class 1A enters the stadium for the Sports festival alongside the other classes as Present Mic and a reluctant but resigned Aizawa-sensei announce each class as they enter. They're first, by virtue of being class A, followed soon after by class B. When Class C, Hitoshi and Himiko's class, enters Izumi and her friends smile at them quickly. After the rest of the General courses come the Support Courses, Mei standing out among the crowd of inventors like only she can, and the Business Courses.

It is then that the teacher acting as judge, 18+ only hero Midnight, takes the stage and asks the point leader for the entrance exams to the stage for a speech. Izumi beams as she walks onto the raised platform, taking a small bit of pride in the way Bakugou's face pinches at the reminder that not only did she beat him by ten points but he'd gotten third because Kirishima beat him by a single point too. The blonde would be damned if he takes bronze again!

Taking a relaxing breath the greenette starts "Growing up everyone said i'd never make it as a hero, that getting into UA was impossible for a quirkless girl and I should just give up." the gasps and mutters of disbelief from the audience at that did nothing to stop her as she continued "But I refused to believe that. I trained hard to be where I am, just like every other student here with me, because I believe that mine is a dream worth fighting for! I think I speak for all of us first years when I say that we're going to do our best to show you all what we're made of. We aren't going to give up when things get hard, we're going to push forward and past what what anyone - even ourselves - thinks is possible for us!"

Izumi beamed at her fellow students as she finished. "We're going to go beyond, Plus Ultra!"

"PLUS ULTRA!" roared the crowd and even her fellow students. With a sweet "Thank you!" the girl returned the mic to Midnight and rejoined her classmates, who were all pumped to get started.


While the students were being told about what tasks they'd go through this year a familiar group is enjoying the show from their seats in the stands.

Kai, underneath the black medical mask he's wearing, is smiling fondly at his future wife. Izumi really had a way with words, even he's feeling pumped after that speech! In the seat next to him Eri is practically vibrating as she takes in the spectacle around them. "This is so cool! Do they really do this every year?!"

"Yes. It's how they scout talent for Hero and Support Agencies, among others." the brunette explained, taking a bit of pleasure in how excited his daughter is to be here.

"Man Boss, Izumi and Himiko are gonna kick some serious ass in an obstacle race. I almost feel bad for the other students!" Setsuno commented from his seat beside Eri, his smirk giving away his true feelings on the matter... Toya was looking forward to watching his adoptive daughter leave her peers in the dust. Kai didn't blame him, he felt just as anxious to see Izumi do the same.

"I agree." came the dark and silky voice of Midoriya Hisashi from his seat to the yakuza boss' left, earning a small twinge of fear even now from the brunette that is stamped down, separated only by the man's adoptive son and his boyfriend. While Kai still isn't all that fond of Tomura he takes comfort in the fact that he is the one seated directly beside him in place of his future father in law. Hisashi may be on friendly terms with him but he is still remarkably terrifying.

"Ah, we're not in the wrong spot are we?"

The entire group turned to stare at the speaker, a tall man barely out of his teens with spiky white hair wearing a varsity jacket and baggy sweatpants that seemed entirely too warm for this hot and sunny day, accompanied by a slightly older woman wearing glasses with white hair streaked with the odd patch of red. The girl was just as over dressed as what must be her brother, wearing a large pink sweater that goes to her mid thigh over a white long-sleeved shirt and cream colored baggy sweatpants of her own.

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