Chapter 20 - Meeting the Father

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Kai wasn't sure what he expected when he passed through the warp gate, but this was something else.

True to their words Mr. Midoriya was in a wheelchair with several tubes and machines attached to him, several of which were obviously to help with breathing and relieve pain, and was missing all of his facial features from his mouth upwards. Despite his obvious injuries he lounged in the chair, resting his cheek on his closed fist and one leg crossed over the other like a bored king. The way he seemed to radiate power and confidence in his state certainly left the yakuza boss feeling like he was in the presence of one.

"So... This is the yakuza who's courting my princess." the older man drawled menacingly with a feral smile.

"Dad!" Izumi snapped, face scarlet "No princess in public! It's embarrassing!"

"It's true though." the faceless man teased before turning serious "You're the daughter of Ebon Pull and All for One sweetheart, that makes you as close to an actual princess as one can get."

The pair of yakuza froze at his words, recognizing that name all too well. There wasn't a person in the darker side of this world - be they villains, yakuza, street thugs, or vigilantes - who hadn't heard of the mythical kingpin of the dark All for One. Most just regarded him as a boogieman, but Kai's father - the previous boss - had taught him otherwise. The brunette grew up knowing the Immortal King of Villains was real.

And now he realized that not only was he about to heal the man, but he was currently engaged to his daughter...


"It's an honor to meet you sir." Kai stated, hoping he didn't sound as terrified as he felt. "Your daughter speaks very highly of you."

As he bowed he glanced at Chrono next to him, hardly surprised to see that his assistant was too petrified to move. The injured supervillain smiled "I'm sure. So... You've offered to heal me?"

"Yes sir."

The ancient villain nodded and wheeled away from his desk. "Let's change rooms then. I don't know about you, but i'm not fond of dirtying my office with something as prone to staining as blood."

Tomura snorted, speaking for the first time since they arrived "You just don't want to have to clean your shrine to Izumi and I."

In the teen's arms Eri mirrored Izumi's raised brow and question "Shrine?"

The bluenette walked over to the man's desk, motioning for his sister to follow. Hilariously, everyone but All for One did. The result upon seeing what was in the many frames covering the large surface was equally so.

There were dozens of photos of both teens, at nearly all ages of their lives so far. School photos of Izumi's, candid shots of both as small children, a few baby pictures of Izumi's, and a pair of group shots - one with the entire Midoriya family, the other with just Tomura and his Sensei smiling. On the top corner of the man's computer was even a small black and white ultrasound photo that had "Princess" scrawled at the bottom.

Izumi blushed, clutching her chest with one hand and hiding her face with the other. "I honestly don't know whether this is sweet or mortifying."

The 5 year old chimed in "I like it." craning her neck to look at the older teen's scarred face "You were cute when you were my age."

Tomura groaned as his sensei laughed "He really was." knowing he was about to start an embarrassing story about his childhood. "Right! Let's get back to healing! We can reminisce later!"

Kai smirked at the bluenette's obvious subject change, but complied. He could always hear whatever stories the younger contact quirked male was trying not to have shared later. Judging by his flush they were going to be entertaining.


Inko was surprised to find several pairs of shoes by the door when she got back, two a familiar red. Apparently her children had decided to bring the yakuza they'd visited home with them.

Entering further she found Kai and Tomura on the couch, enough room for a third person between them and the former's daughter in the latter's lap. The decay quirked teen was apparently teaching the 5 year old the wonders of video games via Super Jump Brothers. Kurono was in the kitchen with Izumi, insistent on helping her cook dinner while the teen reluctantly obliges him with a fond eye roll.

Upon spotting her in the hallway her daughter's eyes sparkled. "Hey mom! How was the interview?"

"Good." the green haired woman replied with a smile as she moved to join the pair in the kitchen "What's all this for? It isn't for me, is it? Because I told you not to spoil me for this Izumi."

The teen's smile widened mischievously "Oh it isn't just to thank you. Today's a special occasion."

The telekinetic's brow rose quizzically "How so?"

"Hello Inko."

The woman tensed, green eyes turning to the speaker to stare with open shock. Sitting at the dining room table, watching her and the others with a lazy smile, was her husband. Hisashi was exactly how he'd looked the day she'd met him, curly black hair wild - pairing with the dusting of freckles across his nose and cheeks to give him a boyish look. No scars, both of his eyes as dark as she remembered. As the raven let out a small puff of smoke like he used to to tease her she felt her eyes water.

He had his face back! He was healthy again!

"Hi-Hisashi!" Inko cried, running to wrap her arms around him and burying her face in the junction between his neck and shoulder in a way she hadn't for a long time. The yakuza watched, mildly fascinated, as the oldest and most fearsome villain to ever live comforted the weeping most fearsome female vigilante of all time. If someone had told them they'd one day witness this they would've declared that person completely insane, but here they were.

Before long Izumi started to tear up herself, joining her parents in a family hug which her elder brother looked all too happy to stay out of.

Tomura shook his head as he watched his future niece kicking ass at the game on screen. 'This family is so weird...'

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