Chapter 29

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Cementoss smiled as he walked into the examination room for the practical exams, the stack of written exams for the hero course under his arm. A few of the potential students caught his eye there, having finished in record time. One of them probably had a mental quirk, but so many having one was unlikely. He really hoped that kind looking girl with green hair didn't get hurt during the practical, he liked her.

Handing the tests to the principal he sat down, belatedly noticing that Vlad King had already done so for the Gen Ed tests. "Anyone catch your eye in Gen Ed testing Kan?"

The haemokinetic snorted but nodded. "A few. Three kids powered through the thing like it was nothing."

"Oh!" came the interested voice of Nezu, smiling as he sipped a cup of tea. "What were their names if I may ask?"

"Setsuno Himiko, Shinsou Hitoshi, and Midoriya Izumi." he answered smirking "Midoriya finished hers first. Took maybe 30 minutes to fill out the whole thing and from what I read of her test she went into far more detail than most with her answers too."

"Sounds about right." Cementoss agreed "She was the same with the Heroics Course test."

Vlad King smiled "It was Setsuno that really caught my attention though. She was looking at me like I hung the moon when I gave her the test, and when she handed it back she looked ridiculously excited. I'm not really used to Yagi's level of hero worship, no offense."

The emaciated blonde laughed "None taken. Believe it or not it actually gets old after a while."

As the practical started the group noticed a few standouts in each area. There was a blonde with an explosion quirk destroying the robots in his section. Aside from a kid with black hair saving his fellow applicants from the destruction he caused by using his rock-like body as a shield the staff doubted anyone else would pass in that section.

In another section two of the students who dominated the written tests were doing well finding robots and staying uninjured, but only managed to get a handful of points combined - mostly rescue points. Though that was hardly a surprise when they used their quirks. Shinsou's brainwashing quirk helped him order some of the more stubborn or foolish applicants out of danger, and while Setsuno was good with those knives of hers against the 2 robots she did take down her transformation quirk was likely only able to be used in the test at all because the lilac haired boy volunteered himself as a blood donor. Seeing their ingenuity and skills go unrewarded due to the method of testing smarted.

Vlad King and Eraserhead grimaced in shared disappointment when he saw how close the pair were to succeeding despite their disadvantage.

The majority of the highest scorers however shared the same section. A blonde with a laser quirk was destroying plenty while saving applicants that froze up, doubling his points easily. A boy with an engine quirk that could only be an Iida was sprinting through the streets and destroying every robot he comes across as swiftly and efficiently as possible. A brunette girl with a contact based gravity quirk was using the robots against themselves in an excellent display of intelligence.

And then there was Midoriya.

She was an enigma. The first robot she reached was taken down with a taser gun, implying that her quirk was non-combative. And her parkour skills and tactical planning were impressive, most applicants that used the high ground typically had some sort of flight quirk... Except for Aizawa when he'd applied to the school. Though from her method of descent the staff could tell that wasn't her quirk either. And when the zero pointer shook the ground she did the exact opposite of her peers and went towards it.

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