Chapter 4 - Izumi gets a job

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The sun had just gone down when Chronostasis appeared, sans bird-like mask, with one of their cars outside the park. The girls miraculously enough weren't tired at all despite the fact they'd been running around for at least an hour straight on top of whatever else they'd done in this very long day. Kai knew that, for sure in his daughter's case and most likely in the case of the green haired teen, the rest of their day had been very stressful.

"Eri, Izumi." the brunette called, gesturing for the girls to follow him. Noticing the elder's pink tinted cheeks at the use of her first name Kai felt a rush of satisfaction, but resisted the urge to preen like a schoolboy whose crush noticed him. He had better control of himself than to submit to such embarrassing urges.

"Where are we going Chisaki-san?" Izumi wondered as she carried his daughter to him at the child's insistence. Eri had never been quite so clingy to another human being before, not even himself, but the sight made the yakuza boss more assured of his decision than anything- odd, indescribable feelings be damned. Kai smiled and pointed her attention to the silver haired man standing in wait just ahead of them. "My assistant is here with a car to drive us home. I was hoping you would allow us to drive you home as thanks for entertaining my daughter."

At the teens responding nod he added, as if it were an afterthought "And you can call me Kai if you'd like."

Izumi's face went redder than the child in her arms' eyes. She wasn't the only one shocked by his words, if his assistant's expression was anything to go off of. But quick as a blink the other man regained his composure as though he'd never lost it to begin with.

"Boss." the white clad man greeted with a bow as he held the car door open, his eyes swimming with questions not aired. Kai gestured for the girls to enter first, smiling when the teen thanked him and bowed politely before she did. Catching his assistant's curious glance the brunette snorted "I'll explain later."

Before they knew it the car was moving to the teen's apartment, the girl in question thanking the yakuza for the ride... Again apparently, from Kai's response. Chrono really couldn't wait for his boss' explanation, because this right here was surreal.

"Izumi, I was wondering if you would consider something?" Kai asked, earning a smile from the teen so bright Chrono almost had to shield his eyes. "Sure!"

The brunette stared intently into the girl's green eyes "I've recently found myself in need of a new caretaker to watch Eri. And I thought, given how well you handled her today, you would be a perfect replacement. Better even than her previous minder." the man wore a wry smile "I wish I could watch her myself, but my job is very difficult on the best of days and hardly suitable for her to come with me."

Izumi wondered, head tilted in curiosity. "Is Eri's mother unable to watch her as well? It seems unfortunate that you both have such busy schedules."

Kai laughed "It would be were I married.But to answer your question, I'm the only parent Eri's ever known. I adopted her not too long ago because I saw value in her quirk where others did not."

The girl got an intense look on her face as she turned to look at the child leaning against her. "I just realized that I never asked what your quirk was."

Eri worried her lip "Promise you won't think i'm weird?"

"Do you think i'm weird for not having a quirk?"


"And I won't think you're weird either, no matter your quirk. But if it makes you feel better i'll promise anyways."

The white haired girl plays with the hem of her skirt as she explains "My quirk is rewind. It lets me rewind what i'm touching to a former state. If I use it on people they lose their quirk... Or they disappear."

Eri started as a hand settled on her head, stroking her gently and moving a few strands behind her ear. "I was right earlier when I said your quirk was wonderful. That'll be very useful once you manage to control it." The girl's red eyes sparkled as they stared up at the warm smile on the older girl's face. Watching the scene Kai turned to Chrono as if to say 'This, this right here is all the explanation you need.' and it was. The man could see exactly what drew his boss to the teen, quirklessness aside.

The girl was a literal fucking angel.

Said angel looked at the brunette and smiled "I'd love to. It'll probably only be after school and on weekends, and i'll need to figure out a way to your house, but-"

"That's fine. And as for transportation, my assistant here will pick you up from your school on weekdays and your apartment on weekends."

"I will?!" Chrono asked, dumbfounded. Kai's golden eyes fixed to him "Of course. You're the only one i'd trust with a job this important." Izumi seemed just as shocked with his words as his fellow yakuza member. "Thank you. I guess we should swap numbers so we can call each other? I... I don't really have much experience with this."

As Kai plugged his personal cell, as well as Chrono's, into the teen's phone the two introduced themselves. "I'm Kurono Hari, Kai's assistant. A pleasure to meet you."

"Midoriya Izumi, I look forward to working with you Kurono-san."

"Hari is fine Midoriya."

"Then you can call me Izumi!" her cheerful response drew a smile to Hari's face. She really was a sweet girl... He'd better keep her away from the others if he can help it.

The car stopped outside a simple apartment building, earning an embarrassed laugh from the teen. "Ah! We're here already!" Taking back her phone from the brunette she gathered her bag and left with a cheery wave. "I'll see you after school I guess."

The group waved back, Kai adding a soft "I look forward to it." before they drove off. Izumi watched them until they disappeared from view, a lovesick look on her face. She was looking forward to it too.

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