Chapter 26 - Another Date

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Kai sighed, his tired golden eyes fixed on the ceiling as he laid in his bed that night. The yakuza boss was exhausted, his workday being a complete and utter nightmare from start to finish, but was far too wrapped up in his thoughts to fall asleep. All too soon Izumi was going to take UA's entrance exam, and once she did (and passed the thing, because of course she was going to pass) he was going to be seeing his green eyed angel far less than he already did thanks to his insufferable work schedule.

The brunette really hated thinking about that...

Before the mysophobe could get too depressed by his bitter train of thought one of the oh so chipper ringtones Izumi had set for herself on his phone broke the silence in his room, letting the man know she'd sent him a text. Reaching over to grab the chirping device on his bedside table the brunette checked what she'd decided to say to him at - Kai glances quickly at the time - 3 in the morning.

<Hey. Are you awake?>

Kai smiled as he texted back <If I wasn't already I would be now thanks to that ringtone you set.>

He could perfectly envision the way the greenette would fluster and flush red when she typed back a <Sorry!> causing him to chuckle fondly at the mental image. <Relax, I'm only teasing you.> the brunette replied before his fiance could work herself up too much. <So what did you want to talk about?>

<I just realized that soon we won't see much of each other between my schooling and your work.>

Apparently Kai wasn't the only one being kept awake by that train of thought. The realization that Izumi was just as unhappy with the idea left a warm feeling in his chest. <Ah, that... I'm not too thrilled about it either.>

<Hey Kai? I was wondering...>


<Would you mind if we went out again before then? Like our date at the aquarium?>

The yakuza blinked, rereading her text to make sure he wasn't imagining things. And he wasn't, Izumi has just asked him out on a date. One with Eri tagging along probably, but a date nonetheless. It was sweet, the cuteness of it making him grin like a lovesick idiot (which, to be fair, he kind of was where the quirkless girl was concerned).

Realizing that he still hadn't responded back Kai texted <Sure. Tomorrow sound good for you?>

<Tomorrow sounds wonderful! Good night Kai! :D> the teen's cheerful reply sent a memory of her beautiful smile to the forefront of the brunette's mind. <Good night Izumi.>

Turning off his phone and setting it back on the nightstand Kai sighed, a smile still on his face. Closing his eyes, his conversation with the greenette having calmed his frazzled nerves, the man finally drifted to sleep.


Kai's mouth went dry as he took in the vision that was his fiance when he'd picked her up for their date that morning. If he'd thought her outfit at the aquarium made her look lovely than what she'd chosen today was stunning.

She was in a black dress that had thin straps and white lace at the trim, waist, and square neckline that was low enough to show off her collarbones while not being low enough to show any of her cleavage. It was form fitting from the lace band at her waistline upwards, but flowed loose below it in a way that was fluid and elegant. Her hair was braided in a way that had 4 small braids that circled from her temples to be tied to a single large braid in the back, her loose green curls below being left to flow loose down her back like water. When Eri asked about it the teen explained that it was called a waterfall braid and agreed to teach it to the child sometime, as it apparently was not too difficult compared to some of the other styles she knew.

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